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Rootclaim calculates all sides of a story

and sets light to ‘fake news'

The concerns and growing awareness regarding fake with their diverse backgrounds in economics, neurosci-
news and what it means for advertisers, especially for ence, computer science, linguistics and statistics, and
those buying programmatically, is an extremely hot topic social work.
right now, triggered enormously by the latest US presi-
dential election campaigns.
Validity of mathematics
Motivated by the lack of tools available for understanding
today’s issues in a comprehensive and credible way, the The platform integrates all available evidence, assesses
collaborative analysis platform Rootclaim seems to pro- it for credibility and uses probabilistic models to reach
vide a good solution that could make an impact by com- conclusions about the likelihood of competing hypothe-
bining the power and reach of crowdsourced information ses, by considering:
with the mathematical validity of Bayesian statistics.
 Openly crowdsourced evidence and claims – Any-
The company aims to become the most credible voice of one can impact an analysis by contributing evidence,
reason on any issue and believes that probabilistic anal- rational explanations, past examples and statistics.
ysis is the only mathematically valid way to understand Unlike polling or voting, a strong claim by one person
complex, real-world issues. In short, Rootclaim takes a can beat many widely supported weaker claims.
deep, data-driven look at the issues that interest society.
 Proven Bayesian inference models – The model
"Our aim is to become the most credible voice of reason breaks down highly complex issues into small ques-
on any issue, using the best tools for critical analysis of tions that are each answerable by humans, and then
complex problems," says co-founder Saar Wilf. "That's uses these answers to reach mathematically indis-
why we've created a transparent, fact-based platform putable conclusions.
where anyone can go for the most objective analysis of
any real-world issue." Rootclaim’s solution combines the mathematical validity
of Bayesian inference with the power of crowdsourced
United by their passion for rational thinking and a desire information, and that way gets to the bottom line of
to stop conflicting information in the media, the complex news stories. It intends to outperform human
Rootclaim team has a common focal point they tackle reasoning by correcting for the biases and flaws of hu-
man intuition
44 December 2016 - Customer Experience – Brand Experience goes Omnichannel
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