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"Rootclaim's proven methodology generates better, Of course, most demand-side platforms (DSPs) by now
more accurate results than human reasoning alone can also offer tools to help address the issue, with white-
ever achieve," explains co-founder Aviv Cohen. lists, blacklists and semantic technologies to help ad-
vertisers filter out sites and placements they may find
Since in today's world of information overload, it's obvi- problematic:
ously harder than ever to make sense of the facts or Whitelists allow advertisers to be more aggressive in
getting answers to questions such as “Do vaccines their safeguards by indicating only those sites where
cause autism?”, “What happened to the missing Malay- they want their ads to appear, while blacklists allow
sia airlines flight?”, or even “What's really going on with advertisers to specifically indicate the sites on which
Donald Trump's hair?”, the wide range of questions all they do not wish their ads to appear, and semantic
have one thing in common - each has several competing technologies offer advertisers the ability to filter lan-
explanations claiming to be the truth. What the guage and context to prevent their ads from appearing
Rootclaim model is now doing is breaking down highly on certain sites or next to arguable content.
complex issues into small questions that are simple
enough to be answered by humans, and then uses I think, Rootclaim is dealing with the issue in an enthu-
these answers to reach mathematical conclusions. siastic and innovative way, convinced a sea of half-
truths can only be navigated when humanity's fallible
Power of the crowd intuition is complemented with objective probabilistic
Rootclaim allows anyone to impact an analysis by con-
tributing evidence, rational explanations, and historical In case you are interested in finding out how Rootclaim
data. Unlike polling or voting, a strong claim by one per- works in detail, feel free to dig deeper into its analyses
son can beat many widely supported weaker claims. system or watch the video. ◊

At a time in which the line between fact and fiction is By Daniela La Marca
increasingly blurred (just think about Facebook’s recent
fake news problem), Rootclaim tries to cut through the
confusion and calculates the true bottom line.


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