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iflix aim is to create unparalleled and

truly personalized experiences by

leveraging Adobe technology

Adobe announced its long term strategic engagement Ensuring that our users get recommendations that
with iflix, the world’s leading Internet TV service for match their specific viewing preferences is absolutely
emerging markets. Over the next few years, the partner- critical. Adobe provides us all the important customer
ship will see the roll-out of Adobe Marketing Cloud, com- information in a single view, so we can effectively en-
prising a suite of world-class analytics, campaign man- gage with customers in shorter turnaround times. With a
agement and audience optimization solutions, as iflix world-class technology suite that offers stability and
continues its rapid expansion and cements its leadership scalability unlike any other, we are confident that Adobe
position throughout emerging markets globally. will be a steadfast partner in our endeavor to bring top-
quality content to more consumers in Southeast Asia.”
Founded in Kuala Lumpur in 2014, iflix is Southeast
Asia’s leading and fastest growing Internet TV service, The scalability offered by Adobe will be indeed a huge
partnering with over 160 of the world’s top studios and advantage to iflix, as the Adobe Marketing Cloud will
distributors to offer subscribers thousands of TV shows, help iflix gain a deeper understanding of their custom-
movies and more. Adobe’s data-driven solutions will ena- ers, enabling the marketing team to effectively design,
ble iflix to offer customers an unparalleled experience in plan, execute, manage and optimize cross-channel
mobile video-on-demand (VOD) consumption, serving marketing campaigns that will deliver exceptional cus-
content tailored to its subscribers’ diverse tastes. tomer experience.

David Goldstein, Head of Asia for iflix Group said, “Our The implementation involves Adobe’s data-driven solu-
aim is to create truly personalized experiences – whether tions, including:
it is suggesting shows in line with the programs users
already love or engaging them via email. Adobe’s tech-  Adobe Analytics for deeper, real-time insights into
nology gives us the capability to build unified customer customer interactions;
profiles and to get to know our subscribers’ preferences.  Adobe Audience Manager for a complete under-
standing of subscriber’s preferences;
46 December 2016 - Customer Experience – Brand Experience goes Omnichannel
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