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for each client based on their individual brand guide- Renderer: By eliminating ad-size or layout restrictions,
lines. This powerful design framework scales to enable Renderer makes it possible to dynamically generate the
personalization to Criteo’s 1.2 billion+ active monthly most optimal layout and fit any ad size on any publish-
users while maintaining a consistent brand representa- er’s inventory around the globe. This gives marketers
tion. the unparalleled ability to reach consumers instantly
across Criteo’s vast publisher network without design
Real-Time Creative Optimization: Kinetic Design en- delays.
sures that each visual design is informed by consumer
behavior. It optimizes each ad based on real-time con- Kinetic Design closes the marketing gap between func-
sumer insights and contextual awareness by selecting tion and design. With the ability to deliver both highly
the most relevant branded design elements from the personalized and effective ads while maintaining a con-
design framework built by Composer, enabling a true sistent brand image, marketers will see a real impact in
one-on-one customer experience. click-through rates, sales and bottom line goals, Criteo
affirms. ◊


MediaBUZZ Pte Ltd - Independant ePublisher for Asia
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