Page 9 - AeM_January_2019
P. 9


       the foreseeable future that corporations such as Google,  content videos that are mobile-optimized and content-
       Apple, Facebook and Amazon will ever fully make their  appropriate they have some advantages, such as high
       data available for integration into other platforms. Hence,  advertising   impact,   brand   safety,   measurable
       advertisers must develop strategies that drive successful  performance,  and  high-quality  campaign  data,  which
       campaigns outside the walled gardens, for instance, rely  could  serve  then  to  evaluate  and  optimize  future
       on technology providers who operate independently and  campaigns and align with ongoing campaigns in other
       really provide transparency. The chosen partners should  channels. ◊
       be  able  to  provide  insights  on  campaigns  and  should
       also  have  some  understanding  of  the  brand  and  its                               By MediaBUZZ
       target groups.
       Only this way can campaigns be optimized content-wise:
       for example, if advertisers book ads in publisher-owned

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