Page 20 - AeM_Nov_2017
P. 20


             Don’t underestimate your granny when

             it comes to Google

            These days, with the pace at which technology is     if we want to keep cornering our capital advantage.
            outdoing itself, it’s virtually impossible to hold your
            high ground as ‘king of the hill’. As soon as we flash   Traditional marketing says that you need to keep cater-
            the latest iPhone, a new one is flaunting its 12 MP   ing for the masses if you want to stay ahead in this
            camera with ƒ/1.8 aperture at us. Just when we’ve    business world. And the perception is that one of the
            nailed the art of geomapping, drones are brought in   older generations is standing perplexed on the side-
            to scan and map work sites at a fraction of the cost   lines, lost among the hashtags, the trending, the likes,
            and time. Tablets at this rate will be relegated to the   or the filters, that are happening online all at once.
            ranks of LPs and fax machines–old school inven-
            tions that will have our own kids feeling old when   This is only half the truth. The other half is that Baby
            their children laugh at what was once so ‘cutting    Boomers alone (born between 1946-1964) represent
            edge.’ It’s a marathon and a sprint in one; but the   the #1 consumer-age demographic in the United
            finish line feels nowhere in sight.                  States ‒ and their investments in everything from travel
                                                                 to health care to e-commerce are only growing. Couple
            For children who’ve been unlocking iPads before riding   their collective consumer power with their longevity,
            tricycles, technology is Reality 101. But for many grand-  and suddenly the need to integrate our silver economy
            parents, the thought of overlaying furry kitten ears onto   into today’s digital retail experience goes from a good
            our Whatsapp profiles would be impossible, much less   idea to a downright imperative. Clearly, it’s a no brain-
            moronic. Thus, they are easily detached and disconnect-  er: the digital economy is not only for the generations
            ed from these trends, as technology furiously gallops on.   who will take the future, but for the generations who got
            And somewhere between the gap of tech savvy and      us this far.
            technophobe is a market that demands attention,
                                                                 Going strong at 55, and counting
      20            November  2017 - Email Marketing & Lead Management
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