Page 12 - AeM_December_2021
P. 12


             Consistent customer journey across all

             touchpoints guarantees repurchasers

                                                                 that can run repeatedly and recursively:
                                                                 Getting attention: in the past, customers were primari-
                                                                 ly  drawn  to  products  and  services  through  advertise-
                                                                 ments  in  print  media,  TV  advertising  or  posters,  but
                                                                 today the web plays a central role in the battle for atten-
                                                                 tion. Marketing is adjusting to the fact that the first im-

            In  an  increasingly  digitized  consumer  world,  it  is  im-  portant  touchpoints  are  now  digital.  Marketing  cam-
            portant for companies to offer customers not only prod-  paigns  aim  to  achieve  a  top  ranking  for  inquiries  in
            ucts or services, but also experiences in all phases of   search engines. Online advertising is based directly on
            interaction. This includes fast and smooth service, per-  the  behavior  of  web  users;  content  marketing  uses
            sonalized content and consistent information, even on   texts, images, audio  or video material  to  win  potential
            different  platforms.  Regardless  of  whether  customers   customers with personalized content. Further impulses
            communicate with the company via the mobile app, the   come from recommendations from social networks.
            online shop, the call center or on site, offers and state-  Consolidation of interest:  In the past, customers had
            ments must be coordinated with one another. And this   to  go  to  a  store  or  use  the  mail  order  catalog  if  they
            approach is systematized in the concept of the custom-  were interested in a product. In the digital age, interest-
            er  journey  with  a  sequence  of  reciprocal  activities  on   ed parties can obtain comprehensive information on the
            the way from the first awareness to the concrete inter-  web: product videos on YouTube, opinions and reviews
            est to the finished deal and service.
                                                                 from customers in portals, forums or in social networks
            In general, the customer journey is a sequence of steps   create a previously unknown level of transparency and

                                                              12                  December 2021: Customer Journey Analytics
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