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The Internet of

Things (IoT)

will become a

‘big thing’ only

next year

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been a topic of debate The new eMarketer report, “Key Digital Trends for 2015:
among technologists for years already, but the term is What’s in Store—and Not in Store—for the Coming
only now making its way into the mainstream, accord- Year” backs our decision by reassuring us that the nec-
ing to In fact, a May 2014 survey con- essary boost for IoT will come in 2015.
ducted by Edelman Berland for GE found that 44% of
business executives worldwide had never heard of the “There’s little doubt the world is moving inexorably to-
IoT. ward a more connected future, but the speed with which
consumers and enterprises make the transition is still
MediaBUZZ as well is watching the scene for quite very much unclear”, emarketer states. For marketers,
some time already and observed the industry carefully the potential of the IoT is twofold the company empha-
to find the best timing for its upcoming event series sizes:
8byEight on the Internet of Things.
 The first opportunity is the sheer mass of new, con-
Considering available studies and evaluating the suc- nected products and services to be sold to both
cess rate of events dealing with the phenomena, we consumers and enterprises.
decided to hold our peer-to-peer event that discusses
IoT in the first half of next year when the time is right.  The second lies in the data to be harvested from all
the new, connected objects and the ways people
interact with them. The opportunity is not about new
screens—it’s about the massive insights to be
gleaned. The challenge, as with omnichannel mar-
keting, will be to link the data effectively.
Considering that most marketers are already struggling
with data overload from the array of touchpoints they
currently manage, adding exponentially more objects
and more data is no small challenge. Next year will be a
good time to start the process of coming to grips with
that challenge”, eMarketer revealed and MediaBUZZ

And since IoT will present marketers with tons of new
products to sell, as well as huge amounts of data, there
will be many challenges and topics to be discussed at
MediaBUZZ’s event next year.
Feel free to get in touch with us to find out more about
our event. Seats are very limited though. ◊
By MediaBUZZ

22 Asian eMarketing November 2014 - Cross-, Multi-, Omni-Channel & Everywhere Commerce
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