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Marketo advocates marketing automation

for engaging emails

Consumers have more control than
ever, and marketers need to step
up their game accordingly, states
Marketo in its ebook Graduating
from an Email Service Provider to
Marketing Automation, pointing al-
ready out in the title that ESPs have
their limitations.

“Email service providers (ESPs),
vendors that primarily provide batch
and blast email capability, can't de-
liver the behaviorally-targeted en-
gagement needed to stay relevant,
let alone the integrated multi-
channel conversations necessary to
maximize the impact of marketing.
Only an intelligent marketing auto-
mation platform is up to the task”,
the expert explains.  STRATEGIC: Always use the simulating dynamic conversations
right metrics to measure your with their various lists - valuable
In addition, Marketo presents to the email marketing tactics and time that they could be using to opti-
mize their marketing strategy and
point the key factors that make assess their effectiveness and create fresh content”, Marketo em-
email engaging and ultimately suc- worth. Then, make adjustments phasizes, adding: “It's time to stop
cessful, summarizing EMAIL MUST accordingly. using the term email marketing, and
ESPs came onto the scene in the replace it with engagement market-
mid-90s as email became main- ing.”
 TRUSTED: It's essential that stream and companies realized
your emails set and then con- they needed to be able to send Indeed, a marketing automation
sistently meet subscriber ex- consumers large volumes of mar- platform extends the benefits of
pectations. keting messages, hence, traditional email and provides an opportunity
 RELEVANT: You have an obli- ESPs can't deliver on these musts: to mitigate email's shortcomings.
gation to deliver the right con- Their databases are often simple When marketing automation is used
tent to the right person at the and lack easy integration with other to its full capacity, it becomes a full-
right time, based on a smart enterprise systems. Besides that, fledged engagement-orchestration
understanding of each sub- they were mainly built for rapidly tool, enabling you to listen to con-
scriber's interests and behav- sending the same message to sumers' unique needs and deliver
iors. many, not for orchestrating intelli- what they want, when they want it. ◊
 CONVERSATIONAL: Buyers gent one-to-one conversations, and
are individuals, and they de- are destined to always view every- By Daniela La Marca
serve personalized communica- thing through an email-centric, not
tions. This means abandoning omnichannel, lens.
the idea of batch and blast
campaigns and entering into a “Not conversational ESPs don't
relationship-oriented mindset have the functional ability to allow
that continuously builds en- one-to-one conversations over
gagement with consumers, one time. They send mass emails to an
by one and over time. entire list at once. Sure, they can
 COORDINATED with other customize emails, but they aren't
channels: Your emails must be built to facilitate evolving and cus-
coordinated with interactions tomized two-way conversations
from every marketing channel, between a company and each indi-
so that your customers' experi- vidual consumer. Marketers stuck
ences are consistent and pro- using traditional ESPs waste an
gressive. incredible amount of time manually
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