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Both email marketing

and apps must be

part of an integrated

marketing mix

Apps are considered to be the core of mobile devices, “Unfortunately, not all devices support HTML 5, which
such as smartphones and tablets, and are one of the is necessary for responsive design. Omitting or scaling
most important marketing channels for getting in touch graphics is often not enough to fulfil the requirements of
with mobile users. marketers or recipients for the mobile context of use.
Location-based services or direct response to customer
Email marketing will retain its leading position as an es- behavior at POS, require other communication tools for
tablished channel within the marketing mix. Although the mobile target groups.” The online CRM technology and
company artegic AG is mainly observing the German consulting provider therefore introduces a new format
market, it is interesting to take a closer look into their for effective dialogue marketing with mobile target
study’s findings. groups – the new “ultra responsive email”.

According to the artegic’s study “Online Dialogue Market- Introduction of the new “ultra responsive email”
ing in Retail 2016”, approximately 83.1% of retailers will
be using email marketing by 2016. In fact, email market- Artegic’s solution combines elements from fluid and
ing, social media, mobile, Big Data, content marketing responsive design on the client side with end device
and marketing automation are trending topics. identification, based on the server side’s response me-
dia technology Ultra responsive email therefore ena-
The highest growth will take place in email marketing bles the adjustment of the format - plus the adaptation
(61.1%), which matches the top position within the tools of contents - to different, even older end devices.
used. At least for Germany, where nevertheless the dou-
ble-op in method reigns, the most important email mar- Devices or provider-specific services, time of opening,
keting measures are currently segmented mass emails weather or lifecycle information, etc. can be used for
(67.7% use them), transaction emails (81.5%) and trig- real-time changes in emails and to respond to the par-
ger emails (55%). While, the biggest growth can be seen ticular context of use of the recipient. For example, a
in the use of mobile optimized emails (50.3% are plan- customer email triggered after a purchase at the POS
ning its use), customer intelligence emails (48.7%) and can show a different content when opened on a mobile
completely individualized emails (46.6%). Apps are used device within the first 90 minutes, than the same email
by 57.7% of the mobile marketer, whereby the most im- opened later on a PC.
portant mobile marketing tools are, as said, mobile-
optimized emails (68%). “With the ultra responsive email, we are reinventing
mobile email communication”, says Stefan von Lieven,
Both email marketing and apps aren’t autonomous chan- CEO at artegic AG. “Only by taking into consideration
nels, but must be part of an integrated marketing mix, and individualizing the mobile context of use, mobile
since both tools offer several starting points to be associ- email really exploits its potential. Until now, this was
ated with each other. only about weirdly displayed emails on smartphones.”

Responsive design will be the method of choice in “Responsiveness” for the first time in the recipi-
the mobile web ent’s context of use

Artegic AG expects emails in particular to face the chal- Summarily, the promise of responsive design is optimal
lenge of different display sizes with recipients, explain- user experience on every device. When a user opens
ing: an email on a smartphone, modern HTML code auto-
matically retrieves the specifications of the end device
“Through a fluid or responsive design, emails can be and the client adjusts the display for mobile use. With
adapted on smartphones and tablets and displayed ac- classic responsive design, emails are usually only
cordingly, while on a desktop PC, they can be displayed scaled in size or hidden. artegic’s new ultra responsive

to their full width”, the company explains, adding: email technology expands these abilities and allows
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