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What type of ‘digital transformer’ are you?

Digital transformation unfolds a wide range of opportuni- if they want to remain competitive.
ties, as well as challenges and risks, which affect busi-
What kept companies so far from starting the neces-
ness strategies, cultures and processes fundamentally.
Within companies, almost all areas are affected by this sary change is a strong silo mentality and competitive-
change: ness; a generally low acceptance of change among the
staff; or a demanding core business, that leaves no
 The "business model" includes divisions such as room for thinking about anything else.
product development or product marketing. A good
example that crosses my mind, for example, is Ama- Of course, companies cannot simply be all lumped to-
zon's Kindle. Within a few years, the company man- gether, hence, a distinction between four different
aged to revolutionize paperless reading, and innova- 'digitizing types" might bear a helping hand:
tively competed with the printed book.
1. There are the "beginners" that have not yet really
 The "process digitization" includes mainly the IT progressed in their digital transformation. They
departments, and processes and services in particu- may have a Twitter or Facebook account, which is
lar. E-invoicing, for instance, is a good example here: sporadically filled with content (if at all), but the
All kind of companies started to send invoices to their effects and consequences don’t seem to have
clients by email, while only a few are still sending reached the consciousness of this specific group,
through the post -and then usually only upon request. yet.

 In “customer experience” and related communica- 2. The "fashionistas" are already a bit more ad-
tion the focus is on optimizing all touchpoints to be vanced, but still lack coherent thinking. Regard-
able to provide a seamless customer journey. To- less of content, the numerous channels they use
day’s businesses cannot avoid dealing with this issue, are fueled by no strategy.

4 Asian eMarketing - February 2016 Digital Transformation
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