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Encrypted video

traffic is now

optimized by


Opera Software recently revealed that encrypted vid- encrypted video traffic delivers even more value to op-
eo, also known as HTTPS video, have been increasing erators looking to tame the video explosion on their net-
in share of the overall global video traffic sent over mo- works,” says Nitin Bhandari, Opera’s President of Net-
bile operator networks over the past year, including work Solutions.
video from globally popular content providers.
Opera Mediaworks launches the Native Video Fund
Because of its protected nature, this video content pre-
viously could not be optimized to fit available network Besides all that, Opera Mediaworks launched in Janu-
capacity, leading to its taking up a disproportionate ary the Native Video Fund, a program devoted to an-
share of network bandwidth. This, in turn, has led to a swering the digital advertising industry’s need for a mo-
poor viewing experience for millions of consumers. bile-first approach to video creative. The Fund, support-
ed by an alliance of top global brands and agencies,
Thanks to a breakthrough by Opera’s Rocket Optimiz- provides financial backing for the production and place-
er, the recent emergence of encrypted video traffic can ment of mobile video campaigns in premium, in-app
now be tamed by adding encrypted video optimization native video environments powered by Opera’s AdColo-
to enhance quality of experience for mobile operators’ ny Instant-PlayTM HD video technology.
All Fund participants will work hand-in-hand with the
Detect and optimize encrypted video traffic in milli- Opera Mediaworks Creative Team to innovate cam-
seconds paigns according to established best practices for mo-
bile video. Upon launch, the campaigns will be tracked,
Third-party encrypted video traffic is a puzzle that measured and evaluated for impact and effectiveness,
many operators have turned to video optimization ex- and each campaign will be part of an industry-first re-
perts such as Opera to solve. Today, Opera has an- search study for native video on mobile.
nounced that its NFV-based Rocket Optimizer solution
can now detect and optimize this encrypted traffic in In addition to funding the production and placement of
milliseconds, ensuring a first-rate video-viewing experi- mobile-first native video creative assets for brands, the
ence for a mobile operator’s customers. Videos can Native Video Fund works to elevate premium publishers
now fit the bandwidth available on the network at any across categories like entertainment, news, music and
given moment, whether encrypted or not. This is done social including but not limited to Maker Studios, PEO-
without decrypting the video itself, keeping all opti- PLE/Time, Inc., Pinger, Shazam, USA TODAY and
mized traffic on the network secure and private. more who are taking advantage of AdColony’s feed-
based, native video advertising in their mobile apps.
Boost speeds of all multimedia on an operator’s The intent is to provide best-in-class, engaging and en-
networks tertaining video for their users to foster a better app ex-
This breakthrough in optimization for encrypted video
traffic combines perfectly with Rocket Optimizer’s Ex- “While native video is among the fastest growing video
perience Assurance functionality, which measures and formats in mobile, it’s also the hardest to engage users
then mitigates a poor video experience down to the in as they scroll past ads quickly within the content
individual subscriber, all in real time – ensuring video feed,” says Nikao Yang, SVP Global Marketing at
sessions free from buffering and stalling. This en- Opera Mediaworks. “But if brands can develop truly en-
hanced detection ability from Opera boosts the overall gaging video creative that is less than 15 seconds in
speed and delivery of all multimedia on an operator’s length for native, in-feed environments, then they’ve
network. nailed creative that will engage users across all mobile
video environments. The Fund will drive the entire app
ecosystem towards that goal.” ◊
“Rocket Optimizer already provides the best quality of
experience for every subscriber session on the net-
work, and our new capability to detect and manage By MediaBUZZ
26 Asian eMarketing March 2015 - Video Advertising
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