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What insights digital

marketers could take

home at eTail Asia 2015

Listening to a wide range of eCom- Marketers must be data analyst Video marketing is the content
merce experts at eTail Asia 2015 in and storyteller at the same time marketing of the future
the past two days, I would like to
summarize for all marketers that Marketing automation and the abil- The success of Snapchat, Pinterest
could not join the tips and advice I ity to send personalized messages or Instagram shows the influence of
heard repeatedly in presentations of is forcing marketers to tell their cus- images - and video marketing will
the speakers: tomers the stories they are “really” be the next big thing. A well-made
interested in. However, knowing video captivates audiences and
Design social media marketing what these stories look like, and leads to the fact that the potential
as personal as possible through which channels customers customer sits back relaxed and
want to hear them, requires a de- listens, while it provides the mar-
Individuality and the personal con- tailed analysis of existing customer keters exactly the arguments that
versation with customers are the data. Marketing departments today take the viewer to purchase a par-
criteria for success in social media do not only need good content, but ticular product. That way, not the
marketing. Campaigns should be as also big data specialists who tell customer has to gather information
unique and easy to understand as them, for whom specific content is about the product, but gets them
possible - good videos or photos appropriate and for which channel delivered directly in a catchy way.
should be used in them, since they they need to be adjusted. Not to mention that if videos are
can be easily shared online, too. integrated on your own website it is
Transparency is important when good for you in terms of SEO, too.
It is important to analyze and un- collecting customer data
derstand multi-screen behavior Again, Worldwide Business Re-
The phenomenon of "Big Data" will search (WBR) proved to be a top-
Customers stay informed via differ- encourage marketers to adjust their notch event organizer. So join eTail
ent channels and devices, hence, communication more and more ac- Asia next year when eCommerce
marketers are well advised to detect cording to individual customer be- experts from the region meet again
exactly which activities happen havior, so that eventually custom- to discuss what is driving their in-
where, since it’s the only way to find ers will see the benefits of such as dustry, be it mobile or omnichannel
out which channel delivers the best targeted approach - with offers that marketing, customer experience,
conversion rates. A meaningful interest, instead of newsletters that social media or video marketing.
analysis should therefore investi- are landing unread in the trash. eTail Asia is the event to go to if
gate for instance, how many users Besides, companies are well ad- you want to stay tuned to trends
clicked on a display with a vised to communicate transparently and innovation that help you
smartphone, but have then bought what data they collect and to give achieve consistent growth and
the product later on the laptop. As- customers the additional option of drive conversions.◊
sistance for such analyzes can usu- selecting frequency, topics and
ally be found at the social media channel of dialogue on their own. By MediaBUZZ
platforms themselves, which in turn
helps to create ads accordingly.

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