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HOOQ, Asia's Video-on-Demand Service,

debuts in the Philippines

Just one week after its establish- ing the best stories from Hollywood from innovative and engaging data
ment, HOOQ, Asia's video-on- or their local market. HOOQ will and content offers. Right now, we
demand service, announced that it change that. HOOQ will change the are in the best position to offer this
is kicking off in the Philippines from way people in emerging markets type of service as the leader in en-
late February in partnership with consume and enjoy entertainment," abling the digital lifestyle of Filipi-
Globe Telecom. said HOOQ Chief Executive Of- nos and the number one network
ficer, Mr. Peter G. Bithos. "The Phil- for smartphones. To meet their
ippines is a natural first market for needs, we see the video-on-
HOOQ, a start-up joint venture be- demand services offered by HOOQ
tween Singtel, Sony Pictures Televi- us. Filipinos' dual love of local and as a critical offering representing
sion and Warner Bros. Entertain- Hollywood content, combined with the future of the industry. Now that
ment, will enable customers of their digital savviness, makes the consumers have access to a varie-
Globe Telecom to enjoy unlimited Philippines a perfect place for us to ty of international and local content,
online streaming access and an start," he added. entertainment will now be more
offline viewing option to top Holly- personal, and with Globe, this
wood and Filipino movie and televi- According to a Nielsen report in means experiencing it with the
sion content, via any device includ- 2014, viewing online video content highest quality," said Mr. Ernest
ing computers, smartphones and has become a pastime for digital Cu , President and CEO of Globe
tablets. consumers in the Philippines, with
85% watching at least weekly, the Telecom.
second highest in the region. The
Filipinos can look forward to more "Following the launch in the Philip-
than 10,000 movies and television same report also revealed that 7 in pines, HOOQ will be rolled out
episodes, as well as TV shows, in- 10 digital consumers in the country across Asia soon. The rapid adop-
cluding titles from partners Sony report watching TV content and tion of connected devices means
and Warner Bros. Furthermore, lo- movies via online sources such as more people in Asia are able to
cal film and TV content will also be video-on-demand, the second high- access the Internet anywhere and
available anytime and anywhere est penetration of internet TV in the at any time, driving demand for
through partnerships with the coun- region at 71%. compelling content that enhances
try's top studios, such as GMA, Viva their digital lives," said Mr Jonathan
Communications, Regal Entertain- "Now more than ever, Filipinos con- Auerbach , Singtel CEO Group Dig-
ment, and ABS-CBN. sider connectivity as an essential
part of their daily lives. Our custom- ital Life. "HOOQ is set to change
ers, whether prepaid, postpaid, or the way people across the region
"Across the emerging economies, consume and enjoy entertain-
people have amazing stories and broadband, are increasingly em- ment."◊ By MediaBUZZ
love stories. However, a few billion bracing an always-on world where

people have no quality way of see- they expect a wonderful experience

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