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Better guidance with video chats

Online shopping continues to grow, as well as online web browsers have become the main access interface
banking, but many customers are missing the personal to the Internet.
face-to-face guidance on the Internet. However, with
the so-called Web Real Time Communications Up until recently, the communication capabilities of web
(WebRTC) technique, shop owners can offer just that applications were limited to either text-based communi-
via video chat. cations - such as messaging or email - or non-real-time
audio and video, e.g., streaming. The combination of
With WebRTC, each and every user can directly con- real time services, such as a voice call or a video con-
tact the service center of the provider via the browser, ference, with a web application was only possible using
and this in fact without having to install any software. either a separate application or proprietary plug-ins that
This works as the multimedia content is transmitted lack open specifications and interoperability, hence are
encrypted, and peer-to-peer from one user to another. often limited to certain platforms.
When the site visitor wants a consultant to appear via
video on his monitor to clarify all questions, he just has In order to add real time capabilities to commercial
to click. browsers in a standardized manner and move from
proprietary solutions, the major standardization groups
What is WebRTC? responsible for the advancement of the Internet proto-
cols and applications have launched the HTML5 and
WebRTC is an API definition drafted by the World real-time web (WebRTC) initiatives to complement web
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that supports browser-to applications with real time media features.
-browser applications for voice calling, video chat, and
P2P file sharing without the need of either internal or The W3C draft of WebRTC is a work in progress with
external plugins. advanced implementations in the Chrome and Firefox
browsers. Then in May 2011, Google released an open
We all know that web browsers have been first de- source project for browser-based real-time communica-
signed as the interface to display information provided tion known as WebRTC. This has been followed by
by web servers, but today they are actively used to ongoing work to standardize the relevant protocols in
access social networks, as the interface for online the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and brows-
games and for exchanging emails and messages, as er APIs in the W3C.◊
well as to stream audio and video content. In that way, By MediaBUZZ

38 Asian eMarketing March 2015 - Video Advertising
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