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             Dear Reader,

             Around 20 years ago, Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google Inc.
             and just two years later their search engine presented its first advertising product. Today, search
             engine marketing through Google and Microsoft advertising programs is the most important traffic
             channel for many advertisers. Product searches and displaying shopping ads are particularly lucrative
             for performance purposes and search engines simply attract with unusual and cost-effective targeting

             The possibilities to reach target groups and campaign goals are almost limitless, which is a boon and
             bane. At least, there are many tools and features available that help marketing and advertising
             executives saving time and staying up-to-date on new trends, technologies and features.

             For instance, machine learning actively supports advertisers in analyzing user behavior and displaying
             targeted ads, not to mention that it can map the entire buying process across multiple devices and
             channels. It is an indispensable technology that helps marketers to stand out against the competition
             and win new customers efficiently.

             As the search behavior changes, advertisers must certainly go with the flow and adapt to the situation.
             So, embrace machine learning, since it can simplify data analysis and campaign automation, help to
             evaluate the customer journey and influence the editorial part positively, too. Aren’t these good
             reasons to have the topic of voice search at the top of your agenda?

             Enjoy reading Asian eMarketing!

             Best regards,

             Daniela La Marca
             Editor-in-Chief, Asian eMarketing

             Connect with us:

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             Phone: +65 6836 1807       email:

      2            March 2019 - Visual Search, Voice Search, Smart Speakers & SEO
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