Page 22 - AeM_March_2020
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             The 50 most important content

             marketing formats

            In her book Touch.Point.Sieg. Kommunikation in Zeiten   1.  What do we want to achieve - and what not?
            der  digitalen  Transformation,  Anne  M.  Schüller
            identifies  the  50  best  content  marketing  formats  that   2.  Who do we want to reach - and who not?
            can  be  quite  helpful  to  figure  out  what  works  best for   If  you  can’t  define  your  desired  target  groups
            your business.
                                                                      precisely,  you  cannot  produce  appropriate
            “The more complex the performance of a company, the       content.  But  if  goals  and  target  groups  are
            more content communication makes sense”, she says.        determined, it is the turn of question three:
            Anyway, what’s for sure is the fact that digitization and
            the  Internet  are  pushing  the  trend  towards  content   3.  What can we write about - and what not?
            immensely.                                               Most  companies  have  a  lot  of  specialist
                                                                     knowledge  -  otherwise  they  wouldn't  exist.  This
            Quality  content  is  the  top  choice  for  marketers,  since
            content marketing aims to reach the right target group   knowledge    should   be   collected,   viewed,
            with  relevant,  useful,  informative  and  entertaining   supplemented, prepared for the desired customers
            messages  –  that  are  usually  offered  free  of  charge.   and  played  out  at  the  appropriate  touchpoints.
            Here,  the  company  is  only  discreetly  present  as  the
            author  that  aims  to  draw  interest  with  credible  know-  Which leads us to the last question:
            how  and  who  tries  to  gain  trust  with  specialist   4.  What  is  currently  moving  the  market  and
            knowledge.  Not  to  mention  that  content  marketing    customers - and what is not?
            intends  to  keep  loyal,  existing  customers;  occupy
            themed-related merchandise, increase brand attraction,      This question is elementary, because content only
            and secure competitive advantages.                       works  if  it  is  suitable  both  for  the  respective
                                                                     purpose and for the addressee.
            In  order  to  meet  the  targeted  goals  with  content
            communication,  there  are  mainly  two  questions  that
            need to be addressed:

             March 2020: Content Marketing: authenticity, transparency & quality instead of keyword battle     22
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