Page 20 - AeM_May_2017
P. 20


             Protect yourself:

             Recent WannaCryptor ransomware worm

             puts a spotlight on cybersecurity

            Though a worldwide problem, far too many citizens, busi-  Keep yourself safe by carefully checking the recipient,
            nesses and governments are still making the same old,   the request, and use some common sense – search via
            basic security mistakes, ESET noticed, which explains   Google rather than using the enclosed website ad-
            why cybercrime has quickly become a major problem for   dress. Also, be cautious of attachments, as they may
            businesses, governments and citizens all over the globe.   be malware-infected. It's important to check file exten-
                                                                 sions and to only open files deemed safe and from le-
            “While awareness of this multifaceted threat is increas-  gitimate sources.
            ing, we're still making the same mistakes when it comes
            to cybersecurity, as a recent study by the Pew Research   Social media: New hunting ground
            Center found”, ESET researchers highlighted, pointing
            out the following areas to be aware of:              Social media has become the go-to-market for cyber-
                                                                 criminals eager to compromise people. It's no surprise,
            Email: This ruse is nothing new                      as many users still fail to adequately look after their
                                                                 social networks (for example, a 2016 survey showed
            Social engineering tactics are as old as the day is long,   that 58% of people do not know how to update their
            yet people keep falling for them. Today, phishing via   privacy settings).
            email has become incredibly commonplace.
                                                                 As with email, always check the authenticity of the
            Although criminals are improving the 'quality' of these   sender (do they look credible?), the message and the
            emails, with some targeted – known as spear phishing –   link (which will likely be shortened). Beware of trending
            emails, some looking incredibly authentic, but most do   hashtags too as many are now using them to trap un-
            not (telltale signs include poor spelling, random email   suspecting Twitter and Facebook users trying to catch-
            addresses and far-fetched claims that you've won mil-  up with the latest breaking news.

      20            May 2017 - (Cyber) Security & Data Protection
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