Page 21 - AeM_May_2017
P. 21


       Attitude: It won't happen to me                     hanging fruit' are an entry point for cybercriminals. Ac-
                                                           cording to Forrester, 80% of all attacks involve a weak
       Forget technology for a second, culture is arguably the   or stolen  password .
       biggest issue with security right now, and this has been
       the case for 20 years. CEOs think they won't be target-  Some web providers now force you to generate random
       ed and citizens think much the same (i.e. it won't hap-  passwords, or create complex ones. Regardless of
       pen to me ).                                        whether you face such password policies, you may
                                                           want to consider a password manager, as well as pass-
       This complacency is misguided, as everyone is a poten-  phrases.
       tial target . Accordingly, this attitude can often result in
       poor security habits, with individuals and organizations   Software updates: A lack of
       treating, for example, password and Wi-Fi security not
       as seriously as they should.                        Whether on desktop, laptop or mobile, there's always
                                                           another software update for our apps, operating sys-
       This is despite the fact that good cybersecurity can be   tems or security solutions. Interestingly, the constant
       achieved relatively easily, through good password hy-  pop-ups irritate us, with many people failing to under-
       giene, regular software updates, anti-virus and even   stand just how important they are.
       password managers, VPNs and secure encrypted mes-
       saging apps.                                        If we fail to update, we're effectively leaving our soft-
                                                           ware and devices vulnerable to attack, as cybercrimi-

       Passwords: The easy way in                          nals look to exploit out-of-date flaws. This was the case
                                                           with the recent WannaCryptor ransomware worm that
       Generic, guessable passwords can be easily cracked,   so publicly compromised Britain's National Health Ser-
       and they can open a can of worms if you use the same   vice (NHS) and Spain's telco Telefonica, and spread to
       password across several accounts. Brute-forcing pass-  countries throughout Asia, to the United Arab Emirates
       words is increasingly fast and easy for criminals today   and to at least a dozen more countries in Europe. Had
       equipped with either huge computing power, or access   the affected organizations properly configured automat-
       to buy such expertise on the dark web.              ic operating system updates for all their PCs, they may
                                                           not have been featured on WannaCryptor's victim list. ◊
       Weak passwords, such as 123456, remain common-
       place, with many people failing to see how these 'low-                                      By ESET

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