Page 26 - AeM_May_2017
P. 26


             New Retarus ‘Managed Capture Services’ facilitate

             smooth data interchange and reduced costs and

             efforts due to ‘Intelligent Document Recognition’

            Manually capturing data is not only time and cost in-  All incoming documents are run through a powerful text
            tensive, but also prone to error, making  Retarus’ new-  recognition process (Intelligent Document Recognition
            ly launched Managed Capture Services the more at-    or IDR), which is based on multiple optical character
            tractive. It allows business documents (received by fax   reader (OCR) engines. In addition to capturing the text,
            or email) to be automatically captured as structured   it also records the structure and other components of
            data and provides companies with a robust functionali-  the document.
            ty to process orders or invoices directly in the ERP
            system, without any manual efforts or expense for en-  With the assistance of the catalogue and master data,
            tering the data. Besides, the processes at the commu-  which is stored in the system and continually synchro-
            nication partners’ end do not need to be changed at   nized, all documents can be checked for their content in
            all.                                                 minimum amount of time and are automatically as-
                                                                 signed. The system also memorizes new layout struc-
            Considering that many Southeast Asian companies      tures and recognizes them with great precision when
            already started to adopt digitalization in their communi-  new data is received.
            cation processes and increasingly prioritize efficient
            flow of information, complex ordering or billing pro-  With Retarus Managed Capture Services. error checks
            cesses can be automated to a large extent that way   can also be carried out as an automated process.
            and no more complex paper-based processes are        Wrong item numbers or incorrect calculations, empty
            needed. All common interfaces, file types and applica-  mandatory fields or similar details that cannot be as-
            tion formats are supported, which means that business   signed are marked with a blocking notice, making it im-
            partners can be connected without much effort and    mediately visible in the ERP system that manual post-
            sector-specific requirements can be implemented with   processing is required.
            ease. These accelerated, digital workflows and the
            minimized error-rate resulting from them, reduce pro-  Retarus then automatically sends the original document
            cess costs by around 60% as compared to manual       to the employee responsible for the data as a PDF in
            data entry.                                          which all fields that were not recognized or need to be
                                                                 checked are clearly highlighted. This ensures that man-
            “The integration of business partners, who for technical   ual post-processing is simplified considerably for the
            or economic reasons are not yet able to transmit their   responsible staff, as they only have to check the miss-
            data in a structured manner, poses a real challenge for   ing information again.
            many companies that are looking to shift over to digital
            ordering and invoicing procedures. The Managed Cap-  As an additional option, Retarus can also perform the
            ture Services offered by Retarus cover all input and   manual post-processing, offering a recognition rate of
            processing channels. Incoming forms are transformed   100%. Subsequently, the cloud service transfers all vali-
            into structured data, irrespective of the original format.   dated data to the ERP application in the required for-
            This enables customers and suppliers to continue us-  mat, along with the original documents. ◊
            ing their existing communication channels to exchange
            data”, Oliver Prevhral, Managing Director at Retarus                                     By MediaBUZZ
            Asia, explained.

      26            May 2017 - (Cyber) Security & Data Protection
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