Page 28 - AeM_May_2017
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             Microsoft’s vision for more intelligence —

             from the cloud to the edge

            "In a world of near infinite computing power and an   •  Introducing Azure Cosmos DB, built from the
            exponential growth in data, we are focused on empow-     ground up to power planet-scale cloud services and
            ering every developer to build applications for this new   data-intensive applications — from IoT to AI to mo-
            era of intelligent cloud and intelligent edge," Satya    bile — with incredible performance, fault tolerance
            Nadella, Microsoft’s CEO said at his opening keynote     and support for every type of data, including graph.
            of their annual developer conference speech to thou-     According to Microsoft, it is the industry's first glob-
            sands of developers. Pointing out that our world is con-  ally distributed, multi-model database service to
            stantly overloaded with information, it is yet this very   deliver horizontal scale with guaranteed uptime,
            information — data — that creates opportunities and      throughput, consistency and single-digit millisecond
            insights abound. To help customers realize these op-     latency at the 99th percentile. Developers get in-
            portunities, Microsoft shared an early peek into innova-  credible flexibility with the only schema-free data-
            tions it is bringing to bear to help every person and    base service, with support for popular NoSQL APIs,
            organization achieve more.                               that also offers five well-defined consistency choic-
                                                                     es while auto-indexing all your data.
            The cloud for every developer
                                                                 •  New MySQL- and PostgreSQL-managed ser-
            In support of this vision, Microsoft announced the fol-  vices that join Azure SQL Database to give devel-
                                                                     opers expanded choice and flexibility on a service
                                                                     platform that delivers high availability and scalabil-
            •  A preview of Azure IoT Edge, technology that ex-      ity, with minimal downtime, data retention and re-
                tends the intelligence of cloud computing to edge    covery.
                                                                 •  An early preview of Microsoft's new database mi-
            •  Extensions to the Microsoft Graph to combine          gration services, which will allow Oracle and SQL
                insights from the world of work with device insights   Server customers to more easily move their data
                and contextual awareness of the physical world.      and quickly modernize their apps.

            •  Technology that will allow you to search the real   •  Azure SQL Database improvements: - A new
                world in the same way you search the digital world,   Managed Instance private preview, which offers
                helping to keep your data safe and secure while      customers SQL Server instance-level compatibility
                making you more productive.
                                                                     and makes it even easier for organizations to mi-
             Tooling to target any platform and device               grate existing SQL Server apps to Azure SQL Data-
                                                                     base. - General availability of Threat Detection and
                                                                     preview of Graph support.
            Furthermore, Microsoft showcased how it is meeting
            developers where they are, and helping them be more   •  General availability of Visual Studio 2017 for Mac,
            successful, with new Microsoft Azure and Visual Stu-
            dio services and tools by supporting them to modern-     which enables developers to work seamlessly
            ize existing applications and quickly build intelligent   across Windows and Mac environments with full
            apps for all major platforms:                            support for mobile, web and cloud workloads, and
                                                                     previews of Docker tools, Azure Functions and
                                                                     Xamarin.IoT support.
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