Page 35 - AeM_May_2017
P. 35


       In the future, customers and data protectors will general-  look for a provider who is hosting customer data on
       ly get more attention, which is why the new regulations   EU soil and does not leave a backdoor open for US
       need to be treated with particular care and the analysis   authorities. Anyway, marketing managers, who are
       of all processes that affect personal data requires funda-  looking for a secure CRM provider, should be up-
       mental rethinking.                                      front with in negotiations and have preliminary
                                                               checks to find out which providers are working with
       The following few steps are important for marketing     data protection.
                                                           •  Certifications are a fourth step towards a data-
       •  The first step is to analyze the data transmission   compliant company, which means that the compa-
          paths and processes to quickly identify where action   ny complies with certain security requirements. The
          and support are needed: Companies that work with     certification according to ISO 27001 is often the
          personal data are obliged to ensure that there is no   basis as it proves that the management systems
          unauthorized access to their data or technical facili-  used meet international security requirements. But
          ties, meaning they must make both technical and      there are many more certificates available and
          organizational arrangements for their services. An   there is even a European seal of quality called
          approved encryption method is important to protect   ‘European Privacy Seal’ (EuroPriSe). I’d suggest
          all personal data from external attacks and policies   asking concrete questions regarding certifications,
          for advertising and rules for explicit consent to the   as it will immediately sort out certain contract part-
          processing and storage of personal data after        ners.
          changes in the conditions of use must be put to the
          test here.                                       My appeal to all companies and marketers who work
                                                           with sensitive customer data respectively: Rethink pri-
       •  Communication takes place in the second step: Em-  vacy - it is not your enemy but your friend – as data
          ployees and partners are sensitized for data security   protection is brand protection! Investing in secure data
          and even small businesses should appoint a data   pays off because customers and partners appreciate
          protection officer. This person should work closely   the efforts.
          with the marketing community and make a strong
          commitment to comply with regulations and guide-  You have still more than a year left to become compli-
          lines. The priority is to interest employees for the   ant, since the application date is 25 May 2018, but it’s
          topic of data protection and to provide them with   not very long considering two things. The first is that
          know-how and training, since they are the ones who   compliance with data protection laws requires a precise
          ultimately have to work with new data transmission   understanding of data processing activities, including
          technologies, security systems and procedures.   knowledge of the cross-border outsourcing of data pro-
                                                           cessing that can take place. Not to mention that some
                                                           provisions of the GDPR require a further interpretation
       •  In the third step, suppliers and service providers   to be applied in specific sectors.
          should get involved. CMOs should confront their
          data hosts with legal requirements that they must   So, keep things moving! ◊
          adhere to. If this is not the case, it is important to
                                                                                          By Daniela La Marca

                                                 MediaBUZZ Pte Ltd - Independant ePublisher for Asia
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