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       what's  going  on  in  the  call  center  every  single  time.  Obviously,  for  now,  repetitive  tasks  can  be  easily
       Whether  by  chat,  email  or  voice,  modern  APIs  allow  handed over to artificial intelligence, so that marketers
       companies  to  merge,  evaluate  and  respond  to  any  can  make  human  interactions  more  detailed,  targeted
       communication channel. For instance, AI also opens up  and differentiated. ◊
       new  possibilities  in  the  area  of  image  recognition:  the
       customer  provides  a  picture  of  the  product  he  desires                       By Daniela La Marca
       and you will find it for him that way.

       A  huge  advantage  for  fashion  retailers  is,  for  example,
       that  their  customers  no  longer  have  to  struggle  to
       describe shoes that they have seen in the shop window,
       instead simply send a photo.

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