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The tailormade customer approach in

eCommerce – what works best?

The solution: target group modules
Product information is composed in online shops,
based on text and image elements, comparable to the
industrial mass customization. The content is geared to
the needs and preferences of the demand of specific
customer target groups.
How to get there: customer translation
Define your customers based on their typical behavior,
their style of speech etc. and develop specific customer
prototypes/clusters using the four basic types of corpo-
rate life: the rationalists, the conservatives, the intuitive,
and the emotional. Existing content is then classified
according to the four defined basic functions of speech:
A key part of a professional web-shop design is a information, assertion, experience and contact func-
striking design, supported by a strong brand lan- tions. Ideally, a specific text version is created for each
guage. relevant type of customer. Often the mere exchange of
an adjective is enough to make a product description
In addition to intuitive navigation it is important to have a seem more rational, conservative, intuitive or emotion-
simple ordering process, a support forum as well as al.
search-engine-friendly tools and interfaces to key cus-
tomer and product data. Therefore, omnichannel and The result: positive customer feedback
modularity are a must, if you want to offer customers a The customer, regardless of type, feels like speaking
consistent shopping experience at any time and any the same language and being understood - since words
place. are touch points. With cross-channel campaigns, the
It is well-known that different channels have their own customer decides at which point he joins the campaign,
specific properties (single-sided, multi-faceted or direct). at which time, and through which channel. Uncon-
It is also known that interested parties, such as custom- sciously he may prefer more rational and conservative,
ers, prefer certain channels, or they can spontaneously or more emotional text and image modules. For exam-
change channels based on the situation - especially the ple, if he books a short vacation on a mobile website,
always-on clientele. What is often overlooked is that he might sends the confirmation via a Twitter tweet and
each channel satisfies some typical basic functions: it there he makes use of a link to a website for more de-
can inform, assert, or inspire with emotions. And whoev- tailed information. The shop owner gets feedback to the
er observes his customer behavior will detect customer following questions: Which modules has the customer
groups who prefer either rational or emotional content. clicked on the website - the rational or the emotional
ones? Which word choice does the customer prefer on
Basically, the attempt should be made to pick up cus- Twitter? Did he use conservative or progressive lan-
tomers wherever they are at a certain point in time. guage? Which of the offered links did he use?
This means to use channels and modularity for B2B and Omnichannel campaigns are derived from cross-
B2C trade more frequently to attract customers and to channel campaigns. In this case, the same message is
achieve high conversion rates. Dealers should offer spread across multiple channels and the preferred one
their clientele diverse contact channels. Those who un- is selected by the customer. In this process, it is in-
derstand their customers recognize their needs and creasingly important to supply typological “food” to be
specifically communicate based on these needs. The able to measure and learn what matches the customers
needs, the expectations, the environment and the lan- "tastes" best.
guage of the customer are analyzed and adjusted ac-
cordingly. Therefore, in order to achieve an effective customer
communication based on typological customer behav-
Closed-Loop-Selling - the cycle from the manufacturer ior, the purchasing process of the customers has to be
to the end customer and back - enables the highest per- analyzed and categorized. This has to be done all the
sonalized customer communication. Nevertheless, store way from product development to sales information,
information is currently still mostly written according to followed by buying experience, and ending with after-
the old catalog principle with high redundancy. The sales activities. Here too, the typological "translation" of
crux: The more information the shop offers, the more text modules for customer-oriented dialogues has
content is irrelevant to the individual customer. shown to be very effective. ◊

By MediaBUZZ
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