Page 24 - AeM_Nov_2017
P. 24


             The basics for successful email marketing

            The newsletter is still the marketing tool with the best     Use the text version in email marketing in addition to
            cost-benefit factor. No wonder then that email market-  the HTML version.
            ing remains one of the most popular digital marketing
            methods. Company newsletters clearly offer many op-    Be aware that emails are increasingly being con-
            tions for customer loyalty and increased sales, if a    sumed on mobile devices.
            clear strategy is in place that considers unique KPIs.     Use at least one call-to-action per newsletter.

            Besides legal regulations, there are a lot of simple but     Remember the legal restrictions, such as e.g. un-
            very important rules of etiquette for this instrument that   subscribing from the newsletter.
            are decisive if you make it or break it. And you should     Increase the awareness of your own newsletter.
            keep in mind the following to support your sales and
            marketing activities:                                  Be experimental and make use of A / B tests.
                                                                 The mission critical points in email marketing are differ-
              Avoid "silos" by perceiving email marketing as a   ent. On one hand, the characteristics of an email and its
               process and replacing Excel with a CRM system.
                                                                 multiple uses as well as the legal restrictions must be
              Use specialized email marketing tools that comply   observed. On the other hand, professional email mar-
               with data protection and can be linked to CRM for   keting requires interlinked processes for customer loyal-
               data exchange using open interfaces (APIs).       ty and increased sales within the company.

              Link the email marketing tool to your CRM, as this   Obstacles to the success in email marketing therefore
               avoids duplicate data and unnecessary costs.
                                                                 seem to be:
              Use content multiple times as part of the content   1. A lack of strategy and no or too little use of email
               marketing strategy.                               marketing in marketing and sales;
                                                                 2. Not to be keen to experiment and optimize the news-
              Use the more accurate personas to personalize
               your newsletter, instead of using the (rough) target   letter (design, subject, content, rhythm);
               group.                                            3. Lack of time or strategy to win new subscribers;
                                                                 4. No use of tools to make work easier in email market-
              Commit yourself to your customers and build trust   ing or lack of integration with CRM;
               by regularly publishing your newsletter. Therefore,   5. No collection of data or data gained gets ignored;
               make sure that there is a person responsible for   6. Missing theme and editorial plan for email marketing.
               email marketing in your company, who can imple-
               ment the strategy for your email marketing.       Professional email marketing allows to address pro-
              Analyze the data provided by the email marketing   spects targeted and to measure activities. As a result,
               tool used to make the email marketing more suc-   the success of email marketing can quickly be demon-
               cessful.                                          strated when the right tools are used and processes are
                                                                 optimized properly. Constant creation of hypotheses,
              Invest in the subject line of every email sent, since   and checking of them through A / B testing, promotes
               it determines the opening rate.                   the success of your email marketing. ◊
      24            November  2017 - Email Marketing & Lead Management
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