Page 14 - AeM_October_2022
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             Omnichannel can have a lasting impact

             on the consumer experience

            The past two years have had a significant impact     channel after the pandemic and the principle is simple:
            on    economic     development     and   people's    the  dealers  have  a  small  local  warehouse  of  their
            behavior.  Social  distancing  and  mandated         goods  in  the  shop  where  customers  can  examine,  try
            business closures during lockdowns have forced       on  and  select  the  offers.  Once  the  choice  has  been
            retailers to break new ground and to make up for     made,  the  retailer  orders  the  goods  from  the  ware-
            the  losses  with  new  models  –  with  mixed       house and has them sent to the customer's home. If the
                                                                 goods still do not meet the requirements, they can be
            Focusing more on omnichannel in stationary and online   returned both in the shop and online. This creates more
            business is probably one of the best solutions to fulfill   comfort for both sides. The customer can take a close
            customer wishes, improve the consumer journey in the   look at the color, the fit and the model on site and de-
            long term and make it more transparent.              cide  on a specific  version. As  a result, the number of
                                                                 returns is already sustainably reduced, and retailers no
            With  customer  shopping  behavior  shifting  increasingly   longer have to hoard large stocks on site but can leave
            towards online, customers embrace the option that they   them  in  the  warehouse.  In  this  way,  retail  space  and
            can have almost anything conveniently and easily deliv-  costs can be saved.
            ered to their home. But this is often not particularly sus-
            tainable.  Since the products are only known from pic-  "Click & Collect" in times of a pandemic
            tures,  many  people  order  their  goods  in  different  ver-
            sions,  and  for  this  reason,  the  number  of  returns  has   Although the combination of ordering online and picking
            increased in parallel with larger order quantities.   it up in a store is a step towards omnichannel, it is not
                                                                 yet fully developed. Especially with the “Click & Collect”
            So-called flagship stores could be a way towards omni-  model,  customers  often  complain  about  the  lack  of

                                                              14           October 2022: Customer Journey & Experience Marketing
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