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Editor’s Note

             Dear Reader,

             Statistics on the use of Google Home, Amazon Alexa,
             Cortana from Microsoft or Siri from Apple all point in the
             same direction, namely that users have focused on a
             small, sharply delineated area of application that is less
             than what has been predicted at the height of the hype a
             few years ago.

             According to a study by the SEO company Sistrix, the use
             of SmartSpeakers is even declining overall, which
             suggests that early optimistic buyers were obviously
             disappointed. Even if the range of tasks of voice assistants
             and smart speakers is still relatively limited today, one
             should expect constant growth in the development of
             commands. Because if safety precautions are taken, the
             effect of the smartphone and voice-controlled search on
             marketing is undeniable.

             Read more about this in today's issue and I highly
             recommend particularly the article about the start-up Nano               Subscription
             Interactive, which offers search-related targeted
             advertising, "based on a technology that even the search                   (complimentary)
             engine giant Google cannot keep up with," claims the
             company. In addition, you might want to find out how you
             can use the “voice search readiness” to your advantage or
             get insights from Kantar's recent media reactions report,
             besides more insights, tips and news that are for sure
             useful for your daily work.

             Best wishes,

             Daniela La Marca,
             Editor-in-Chief, Asian eMarketing


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