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vantage of this huge opportunity by bridging the gap timisation of campaign measurement would be most
between traditional and digital in their media mix. valuable if it provides deeper insights to inform future
campaign planning, media mix modelling, and other
As such, marketers are reporting that digital media is optimisation efforts. This is where programmatic comes
now delivering the greatest return on investment, with in, with APAC marketers citing better contextual target-
the performance of their display advertising, web con- ing, faster and more efficient execution and real-time
tent, and social media investments making the most optimisation as the most important benefits of program-
strides in the past year. With better performance, cost matic.
effectiveness, and operational efficiency, marketers are The lesson is that marketers need to not only know the
choosing programmatic to help them boost contextual data at their disposal, but also be able to smartly ana-
targeting, reduce waste, and provide timely and relevant lyse and activate it to get the best return.
content to their audience across multiple devices.
The task of navigating more complex data from differ-
Marketing has gone digital, because that is where the ent media channels, with increasing customer require-
consumers are – and are likely to stay. ments and higher expectations, is a challenge. With
digital marketing technology, marketers can derive
Untapped potential meaningful insights, enabling marketers to execute bet-
ter targeted campaigns. The more intelligent the tech-
While close to three-quarters of marketers globally said nology, the better the consumer insights, and the more
that they remain confident in the practice of data-driven targeted the marketing approach – eventually leading
marketing and its potential for future growth, going digi- to happier consumers and better business results.
tal requires expertise that can unlock and generate
more value from data-driven marketing efforts. In addi- By Zachary King, Vice President, Commercial
tion, marketers today also generally believe that the op- (Southeast Asia, Hong Kong & Korea), MediaMath

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