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CXENSE insights into the power of

personalization for a great

customer experience

CXENSE’s whitepaper How to create compelling online systems. Complete tracking on mobile and tablet de-
customer experiences with personalization is a neat step vices not relying on third-party cookies. Sophisticated
-by-step guide you might want to consider when planning algorithms allow for semantic analysis of content,
to improve your customer experience management. which means the technology analyzes and under-
By collecting and using data effectively, brands can in- stands the meaning of the content users are engaging
crease their digital revenue remarkably with the deep with. This, in combination with tracking all events from
customer insights they can gain at all touchpoints, mak- all users on your site, enables you to build deep user
ing the right strategy invaluable. profiles with long term interest, intent, demographics,
behavior, location and much more.
The following offers a glimpse into the power of person-
alization and how you can manage to understand your 2. Engage your users with relevant content: When
customers by knowing their interests, their purchasing users visit your page for the first time, you don’t know a
habits and what drives them. great deal about them. But it’s vital to start using the
little information you have, such as location, referral,
CXENSE’s recommended steps to personalization device type, and time of day. Combine this insight with
success: knowledge about what similar users are engaging with,
and you can start personalizing the experience from
1. Understand what your users want: To successfully the get-go. When a user starts exploring more of your
create a personalized experience for your users online, site, you will gradually build a better picture of their
you need a deep understanding of your individual users. interests and preferences. The more data you collect,
Gather data in real time from a wide range of sources the better and more tailored you can make the web
such as websites (mobile, tablet and desktop), mobile experience.
apps, subscription data, CRM, ERP, CMS and analytics
28 December 2016 - Customer Experience – Brand Experience goes Omnichannel
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