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It is possible, for instance, to identify that one user is in-
terested in technology, sports and health, and generally The best is, that companies can cross-sell other prod-
goes for high-priced products, knowledge the online shop ucts and services, if consumers are engaged with rele-
can use to refer to relevant products, like a high-end fit- vant content in the right context and come back repeat-
ness tracker or a smart body analysis scale; or seeing edly: For instance, fashion brands can recommend the
that another one often places products in the shopping shoes and other accessories that go with an outfit a
cart, but deletes them soon after, so that most probably a consumer has placed in his online basket.
promotional code in real-time could ensure that he even-
tually makes the purchase. The right technology can also provide a picture of the
context in which an individual is visiting a site, such as
Since good personalization is all about relevance, it is figuring out if users are on a mobile on the train travel-
crucial to deliver the right content, at the right time, in the ling to work, on a desktop PC at work during the day, or
right place to encourage consumers to come back for using a tablet in the evening.
more and to dive deeper into a site through highly target-
ed content, promotions and recommendations to in- Not to mention to keep in mind that consumers’ atten-
crease conversions. tion span is diminishing and gaining customer loyalty is
harder than it has ever been. Generally, users expect
Relevance builds trust an immediate, easy, individual service, tailored to their
needs and interests wherever they are, 24/7, or they
The web shop gives its users a significantly optimized will simply choose an alternative provider.
shopping experience with the use of relevant marketing
messages - from the promotional code to the right prod- Therefore, personalization is a no-brainer, since it helps
uct recommendation to proper search support. Conse- to build stronger relationships with new and existing
quently, users are more confident about the online store customers by delivering relevant content and offers - in
and more receptive to advertising messages. the right context, at the right time. It turns websites into
compelling customer experiences that convert fly-by
In contrast to any product recommendations, that are website visitors into regular visitors and ultimately
imposed on the user and lead to a nuisance and avoid- builds customer loyalty and brand advocacy. Sill, con-
ance of the web shop in the future, a relevant approach sumers should never feel that they’re being targeted in
at the right time is perceived as a service and a useful a personalized manner – the smart technologies should
assistance. Hence, the customer engagement is increas- simply run seamlessly in the background. ◊
ing and the web shop is benefiting from lasting growth in
conversion rate. By Daniela La Marca

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