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P. 34

Know your customers –

especially the anonymous ones

Consumers are very well versed in online shopping and Keep in mind that tweets, comments, posts and likes
make use of digital tools and technologies before buying on social media platforms, that provide information on
products or services. A good piece of advice for vendors the opinions, desires and needs of potential customers,
is therefore to look at the shopping world from a custom- are as important as recording the click behavior of visi-
er perspective to manage providing a contextually rele- tors on the website of a shop owner. But only through
vant web experience. analysis and preparation of these data, the prerequisite
for a personalized approach of the potential customers
is given. No supplier of products or services can rely
Dynamic personalized content is required and has to be
communicated via all channels, since consumers are on old customer loyalties when selling online, and even
increasingly searching online from all kind of devices regular customers are on a perpetual journey, where
before they buy and search for recommendations - espe- they can constantly choose between an array of
cially on social media, like Facebook or YouTube forums brands and products and buy from competitors.
and blogs, where a plethora of opinions, comments, re-
views and videos is posted. Once equipped with reviews, Change the perspective
the prospective buyers then visit the vendor’s website
and kick-start their Customer Journey. Vendors, who want to be successful in this highly com-
plex environment, must constantly adapt and change
For marketers, the Customer Journey starts when pro- their strategy. It is no longer about making offers as
spective customers notice the brand consciously for the attractive as possible and waiting for someone to buy,
first time, which means the term encompasses all meas- rather vendors must reverse the perspective and see
urable touchpoints of a potential customer from the first the world from the customer's point of view. The basic
perception of a brand, through the purchase of a product prerequisite for this is to be aware of potential and ac-
or service, to the entire spectrum of after sales services tual customers, and know where they are getting in-
and customer loyalty. formed about products and services.
34 December 2016 - Customer Experience – Brand Experience goes Omnichannel
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