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[m]PLATFORM: GroupM’s advanced technology

suite of flexible media planning applications,

data analytics and digital services

GroupM, the media investment management group of Brian Gleason, most recently Global CEO of Xaxis, is
WPP, just announced the global launch of [m] named CEO of [m]PLATFORM, a products and service
PLATFORM, an advanced technology suite of flexible organization within GroupM. He will lead the continuous
media planning applications, data analytics and digital development of market-leading technology to ingest any
services. In fact, it unifies data analytics and digital data important to identifying a client's audiences and
services including search, social, mobile, digital ad applications that efficiently engage them on any plat-
operations and programmatic into one team delivering form. For clients, [m]PLATFORM delivers objective in-
a completely open and fully transparent data and tech- sights and the power of choice across data, technolo-
nology architecture. gies and key performance indicators in their GroupM
agency's scope of work.
The platform will improve advertisers' ability to use
audience-defining insights from hundreds of data "Marketers are under tremendous pressure to deliver
sources to find and communicate with their consumers results from media investments. This flexible platform
across all media. approach enables us to focus $7 billion worth of invest-
ments we've made in data and technology over 10
[m]PLATFORM makes it possible for media planners years to help them realize a marketplace advantage,"
at GroupM agencies to use the most detailed consum- said Kelly Clark, CEO GroupM Global. "Our agencies
er data to achieve results for their clients and it is sup- will now have deeper consumer insights and the most
ported by a team of data scientists, technologists and robust technology in the market."
digital practitioners from across GroupM specialist
companies and Xaxis. [m]PLATFORM connects wide-ranging WPP data
sources across Kantar and Wunderman; third-party da-

38 December 2016 - Customer Experience – Brand Experience goes Omnichannel
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