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Customers want everywhere-commerce

and only-for-me-specials

Online trade has transformed from multi- and omni- By means of the latest digital technologies, the Bertels-
channel to "everywhere"- commerce, since online mann business unit, specialized in developing, operat-
shopping is nowadays not only accessible via different ing and optimizing complex global supply chains and
end devices, but practically from anywhere and at any eCommerce platforms.
Arvato SCM combines the know-how of people with the
Hence, the key success factor in the battle for the at- right technologies and appropriate business processes,
tention of consumers is primarily sending the right increasing that way measurably the productivity and
message at the right time. After all, solely the customer performance of its partners. Its Arvato Commerce App
decides before a purchase when and how he wants to Solution (ACAS) was programmed for iOS and Android
be addressed – assertive and better informed than systems and can make online shops available on mo-
ever. bile devices within just a month, without having to pro-
duce new content.
For online retailers, it is therefore more and more chal-
lenging not only to reach many (potential) customers Research has shown that the readiness to buy grows
through an immense range of touchpoints, but to pro- more than three times when an app can be used for
vide at the same time personalized content. shopping, hence, the demand for Arvato’s white label
app should be high. Still, especially small and medium-
Connecting the online and the offline world sized enterprises (SMEs) seem to shy away from the
high financial and time intensive development costs,
Arvato SCM Solutions just designed a newly devel- although having an own shopping app is tempting.
oped white label app to make it easier - and above all Through their better user experience, apps have a
faster - to enter the mobile commerce business. 120% higher conversion rate.
40 December 2016 - Customer Experience – Brand Experience goes Omnichannel
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