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P. 42

A glimpse into the future of commerce -

the ‘Amazon way’

For brick-and-mortar retailers it is increasingly difficult to personalized and relevant offers as well as in general a
keep their customers in the long term, as technology convenient and pleasant shopping experience.
promises to make for convenience and consumers ex-
pect personalized and outstanding shopping experienc- Due to advanced technology, Amazon can reach cus-
es. Today’s consumers prefer, for instance, receiving tomers a much more targeted way with individually suit-
vouchers and special offers directly on their able offers and increase transparency with state-of-the-
smartphones, instead of carrying around loyalty cards. In art service offers.
fact, mobile devices are an integral part of their purchas-
ing processes by now. Clearly, online shopping is at the tipping point, due to
shifting consumer attitudes and innovations at the brick-
Nevertheless, the most personal shopping companion and-mortar level, and Amazon unveils in the latest sign
still seems to be a bit underestimated as carriers of mo- of change a progressive concept grocery store that of-
bile customer loyalty programs. Probably, because there fers a no-checkout experience.
are only a few global providers of mobile wallets around
that have really understood the needs of merchants and All that’s needed is an app that is used by shoppers in-
users. store, and Amazon’s willingness to invest a significant
budget to keep the project running, as the user behavior
Anyway, the use of mobile channels is not a "nice to on mobile is usually changing very fast. Of course,
have" anymore, but a must, and the U.S. retail giant, keeping the app up-to-date is just as important as intui-
Amazon, is again impressively pioneering the future of tive, uncomplicated handling and minimal loading times
shopping. - especially when shopping must be fast.

No cashiers, no lines, no need to bring Of course, shoppers not only have to have the Amazon
credit cards or cash Go app installed on their smartphone, but need an Am-
azon account as well to shop in such a store, which is
Amazon takes advantage of the peculiarity that custom- currently in Seattle in beta but plans to open its doors to
ers increasingly use smartphones to prepare for their the public early next year.

purchases and carry the devices everywhere around.
The retail expert makes use of the mobile phones of their Perceiving the convenience and additional
customers and knows that customers become regular benefits immediately
customers when they perceive real added value, such as
e.g. relevant advanced information, exclusive offers or The shopping process itself seems to be easy: Con-
rewards after the shopping, special deals and vouchers, sumers will be able to enter a store via the Amazon Go

42 December 2016 - Customer Experience – Brand Experience goes Omnichannel
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