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There are some exceptions, such as Swedish Internet  Complying with governments’ data collection
provider Bahnhof, which take a strong stance to protect laws. Another requirement for data collection
its user privacy. Bahnhof refuses to comply with data comes to ISPs from the government. Mandatory
retention laws and rejects demands to proactively police data retention laws are different across the globe
its users for the benefit of copyright holders. and most force ISPs to collect and store their cus-
tomers’ data for a period of time. When such large
However, except for such progressive ISPs, most users amounts of data are collected and/or shared, there
have to deal with daily online privacy challenges on their is always the risk of system malfunctions or hack-
own. ing attacks, and huge amounts of people’s personal
information can end up in the wrong hands. Unless
NordVPN provides useful advice on how to stay private your Internet service provider is a progressive one -
online with the listing of different tracking methods com- such as Swedish Bahnhof - all of the Internet users
monly used by ISPs: should learn about basic safety measures to keep
their data private.
 Deep packet inspection allows an ISP to scan the
packets of data a user sends across the web, and is There are a few ways to protect your Internet privacy:
generally used for user protection, when checking for regularly deleting cookies, installing anti-virus and anti-
viruses or prioritizing data. However, it can also be tracking software, and making suretto enter personal
used to log and sell anonymized user data in batches passcodes and credit card information when using
that include location, name, age, shopping records open Wi-Fi networks. To make sure that all information
and so on. that you share is encrypted and private, the best solu-
tion is a VPN (Virtual Private Network).
 Monitoring Internet activity: On many occasions,
ISPs monitor user web activity to track, log and store
data. This is a very lucrative amount of information A VPN encrypts user data through a secure tunnel be-
for any company to have, and several ISPs tend to fore accessing the Internet ¬ and protects that way any
collect and sell this data to advertising companies. sensitive information about the user’s location by hiding
their IP address. A VPN connects a user to the Internet
 Tracking user location through mobile devices. through an alternative path than an ISP. The only infor-
When it comes to web-enabled mobile devices and mation visible to an ISP is that a user is connected to a
how they are used, ISPs can track their location VPN server and nothing else. All other information is
throughout the day, monitoring user whereabouts in encrypted by the VPN’s security protocol. ◊
By MediaBUZZ

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