Page 24 - AeM_June_2019
P. 24


             Who takes responsibility for data security?

            The  willingness  to  share  data  depends  for  most  According  to  Dimension  Data,  business  leaders  are
            consumers on many different aspects: for example, they  prioritizing  cybersecurity  as  a  boardroom  issue  and
            want to know what type of data they should provide and  making  strategic  investments  to  boost  their  security
            how  they  should  be  stored.  The  reasons  for  data  profile. However, overall, current ambitions still outpace
            disclosure, whether data sharing with third parties takes  cyber-preparedness, the firm revealed, stating:
            place, or the possibility of deletion of data at any time is
            also of interest.                                    Overall, cybersecurity maturity is generally lacking. The
                                                                 current global benchmark across all sectors is 1.45 out
            The  re-use  of  personal  data  by  companies  is  often  of 5.
            supported  by  consumers  if  they  receive  more
            appropriate services and products or allow government   Interestingly,  increased  attack  volumes  correlate  with
            institutions  to  use  them  when  their  data  is  shared  to   an  organization’s  willingness  to  make  strategic
            make public services more efficient. When asked about   investments to improve their cybersecurity defenses.
            the  responsibility  for  personal  data  security,  many  see   And,  ambitions  significantly  outpace  preparedness,
            themselves  as  having  a  duty,  but  also  government   which means there’s much work to be done to drive a
            institutions, brand companies or a combination of all.
                                                                 robust security posture, in many sectors.
            The  fact  is  that,  in  principle,  the  perception  of  privacy   The  finance  and  the  technology  sectors  are  the  most
            has changed due to the Internet and social media. Many   cybermature, Dimension Data says, however they were
            consumers  think  that  more  information  about  them  is
            available on the social networks than they would like and   the  most  attacked,  each  representing  17%  of  all
            that's  why  trust  and  transparency  have  the  highest   attacks,  and  feature  in  the  top  five  risks  for  every
            priority  for  them,  and  companies  and  organizations   region. ◊
            should respect that.                                                                   By MediaBUZZ

      24            June 2019 - Cyber-security & Data Protection
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