Page 26 - AeM_June_2019
P. 26


             MediaMath and White Ops build transparency

             and trust into the Programmatic Supply Chain

            MediaMath  and  White  Ops,  the  global  leader  in  bot   “By combining our own proprietary tools and processes
            fraud protection, announced a new partnership that will   with those of White Ops, and focusing on measurably
            protect  some  of  the  world's  largest  advertisers,   superior outcomes, we can identify and avoid fraud and
            agencies  and  publishers  from  sophisticated  invalid   other  undesirable  activity,  allowing  our  customers  to
            traffic  (SIVT)  before  it  can  be  purchased.  Partnering   focus on bettering the overall programmatic journey for
            identity and detection solutions from both companies,   the  end  user.  We  look  forward  to  collaborating  with
            MediaMath  and  White  Ops  together  aim  to  provide   White Ops even further to enable marketers to see the
            transparency  and build trust and accountability  in  the   maximum potential of their advertising investment and
            advertising ecosystem.                               ensure we add true value with better access to fraud-
                                                                 free supply.”
            Higher rates of SIVT, such as bots acting as legitimate
            users,  require  advanced  analytics,  significant  human   MediaMath is leading an industry wide effort to create
            intervention  and  other  measures  to  detect  and   an accountable and addressable supply chain through
            mitigate.  Leveraging  White  Ops’  Human  Verification   an  alliance  of  agencies,  brands,  tech  companies  and
            technology,  impressions  served  on  the  MediaMath   publishers  designed  to  provide  long  term  sustainable
            platform  will  be  guarded  against  malicious  and   solutions  for  a  clean  digital  media  supply  chain  with
            sophisticated attempts to pocket advertising revenues   brand  safe,  fraud  free  and  viewable  inventory.  The
            in  a  fraudulent  manner,  providing  a  comprehensive,   partnership  with  White  Ops  is  one  of  several  being
            timely  and  actionable  view  of  the  supply  chain.   developed in support of this initiative.

            “The  advertising  supply  chain  must  take  innovative   As part of this initiative, White Ops and MediaMath will
            steps  to  prevent  fraud  and  increase  advertising   co-locate  servers  globally  that  cover  the  entirety  of
            efficacy,”  said  Joe  Zawadzki,  chief  executive  officer,   MediaMath’s footprint. The intent is this technology will
            MediaMath.                                           evaluate  every  impression  MediaMath  bids  on,  on  a
                                                                 global basis.

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