Page 34 - AeM_June_2019
P. 34


             Cybersecurity Bills & Standards

            Thailand’s  National  Legislative  Assembly  (NLA)   threats  to  systems  and  technology  that  have  the
            passed  recently  its  cybersecurity  bill  that  gives   potential  to  jeopardize  cyber  security”,  they  explain.
            authorities the right to bypass court orders in "critical"   “While  it  is  impossible  to  eliminate  all  threats,
            situations,  just  like  Singapore  a  year  earlier.  In  fact,   improvements  in  cyber  security  can  help  manage
            many jurisdictions in the region started to develop their   security risks by making it harder for attacks to succeed
            own  cybersecurity  legislation  to  impose  requirements   and  by  reducing  the  effect  of  attacks  that  do  occur”,
            on certain businesses to implement protections against   they conclude.
            cybersecurity risks into their computer systems.
                                                                 Furthermore, cyber security standards facilitate sharing
            In general, a spotlight is being put on Cyber Security   of knowledge and best practices by helping to ensure
            Standards  over  the  past  few  years,  and  Karen   common  understanding  of  concepts,  terms,  and
            Scarfone,  Dan  Benigni  and  Tim  Grance  from  the   definitions,  which  prevents  errors,  besides  other
            National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)   benefits:  e.g.  cost  savings  that  result  from  the
            published a comprehensive article regarding that. The   development,  manufacture,  sales,  and  delivery  of
            writers highlight that a cyber security standard defines   standards-based, interoperable products and services.
            both  functional  and  assurance  requirements  within  a
            product, system, process, or technology environment,   Usually,  international,  regional,  national,  industry,  and
            and  if  well-developed  enables  consistency  among   government groups are involved in the development of
            product developers and serves as a reliable metric for   cyber  security  standards.  Then  there  are  as
            purchasing security products.                        well consortia, industry alliances, and associations that
                                                                 promote  standards  development.  Not  to  mention  that
            They state that cyber security standards cover a broad   there  are  many  other  cyber  security  standards
            range  of  granularity,  from  the  mathematical  definition   developers who want to make sure that developments
            of  a  cryptographic  algorithm  to  the  specification  of   are in their favor or at least compatible with their critical
            security  features  in  a  web  browser,  and  emphasize   interests.
            that such standards must address user needs, but also
            be  practical.  In  other  words,  cost  and  technological   Of course, talking about cyber security, means first of
            limitations must be considered in building products to   all firewalls, anti-virus software, intrusion detection and
            meet the standard.                                   prevention  systems,  encryption,  and  login  passwords.
                                                                 However,  improving  cybersecurity  through  regulation
            “Security technology has not kept pace with the rapid   and  collaborative  efforts  comes  a  close  second.  The
            development  of  IT,  leaving  systems,  data,  and  users   US  and  Europe  lead  here  by  example,  but  Asian
            vulnerable to both conventional and innovative security   countries started to raise the bar as well. ◊
            threats.  Politically  motivated  adversaries,  financially
            motivated  criminals,  mischievous  attackers,  and                                    By MediaBUZZ
            malicious or careless authorized users are among the

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