Page 14 - AeM_March_2019
P. 14


             International Women’s Day feature

             report substantiates women’s growing

             confidence in the future

            As the number of financially independent women around  The  Nielsen  analysis,  which  looks  at  consumer
            the world increases, so, too, is their optimism about the  confidence,   economic   sentiment   and   spending
            future,  along  with  their  focus  on  health  and  wellness,  intentions by gender over the past five years, reveals a
            according  to  new  gender-focused  analysis  undertaken  consecutive   year-on-year   increase   in   women’s
            by global measurement company, Nielsen.              confidence levels between 2013 and 2018.

             Chart 1. Global Consumer Confidence Index, men vs women, 2013-2018

                        Source: The Conference Board Global Consumer Confidence Survey, in collaboration with Nielsen
                                        (Q4 2013, Q4 2014, Q4 2015, Q4 2016, Q3 2017, Q4 2018)

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