Page 13 - AeM_March_2019
P. 13


       Data is the gold of the digital world               addition  to  the  existing  product  campaigns,  dynamic
                                                           search  ads  make  sense,  especially  for  resellers  with
       Starting point is the possession of user information that   many products. If the assortment changes quickly, DSA
       has become a central asset of digital advertising. Google   can  ensure  that  all  products  are  mapped  in  the
       is  one  of  the  players  who  benefits  from  this  situation,   campaign.
       because  the  search  engine  giant  has  more  user
       information than any other player on the market. In order   For content creation, Google has recently been offering
       to  optimize  advertising,  Google  considers  "exclusive   ad  suggestions.  This  campaign  type  uses  texts
       signals" such as information about the user's operating   deposited  by  the  account  manager  to  generate
       system, the browser or language setting, and of course   additional  ads,  and  the  different  messages  compete
       the search query itself.                            against each other in doing so. Depending on the goal
                                                           set by the account manager, Google selects the most
       People are no longer able to process the huge amounts   successful  as  the  crown  of  the  advertising  material
       of  data  retrieved  and  are  certainly  not  able  to  create   creation.  For  some  campaign  types,  Google  even
       manually, based on the information, an individual ad for   handles  the  entire  process:  from  ad  creation  to  bid
       each target person. In order to not only collect big data,   creation, targeting, and delivery time.
       but also be able to process and use it profitably, Google
       invests heavily in the areas of automation and machine   Human tasks are shifting
                                                           So, smart technologies and campaign types are partly
       Machine Learning in Google Ads                      taking  over  operational  activities  that  were  previously
                                                           performed by account managers. However, the use of
       In its core business, search engine advertising, Google   AI  and  automation  creates  new  tasks  that  people  still
       already  offers  several  technologies  that  use  machine   need  to  work  on,  like  the  strategic  decisions  that
       learning  through  its  recently  renamed  Google  Ads   underlie  an  advertising  campaign  that  are  in  fact
       platform (formerly AdWords). One is the Smart Bidding,   becoming ever more complex. The mass of campaign
       where  Google  optimizes  a  campaign  for  given  goals,   types and features in the Google world has exploded in
       such  as  conversions,  by  automatically  changing  bids.   recent years. When does which type of campaign make
                                                           sense, what objectives do I specify, how do I react to
       According to Google, millions of signals are considered   incidents and occurring problems? Only those who use
       in  the  context  of  a  user.  For  example,  the  end  device,   the right technology in the right place can unleash the
       the  browser  or  the  day  of  the  week  are  used  at  the   power of AI.
       moment  of  a  search  query  to  calculate  the  purchase
       probability  of  a  particular  user.  If  the  conversion  Hence,  the  operational  SEA  craftsmanship  is  not
       probability is considered high, due to the context signals,  obsolete.  After  a  smart  setup,  automated  campaigns
       the bids are raised automatically, and lowered with a low  need to be monitored and handled with great flair. The
       probability.                                        know-how  about  new  technologies  and  the  operative
                                                           experience  and  expertise  merge  into  the  marketing
       Automated content creation                          skills of the future. The fact is that if AI is used properly,
                                                           it  will  definitely make search engine  advertising better
       While Smart Bidding controls the delivery of advertising,   in the future. ◊
       some functions are dedicated to the automated creation                           By Daniela La Marca
       of  advertising  material.  For  the  creation  of  so-called
       ‘dynamic  search  ads’  (DSA),  Google  crawls  web  sites
       during  a  search  query  and  creates  the  appropriate
       headline, on the basis of a deposited dummy ad. As an

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