Page 8 - AeM_March_2019
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             The hyper-intelligent workforce

             and the future of work

            Asking which industries are going to be most impacted  there  will  be  fewer  tasks  which  humans  can  perform
            by  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  in  the  coming  years  and  more efficiently or economically. The unique economic
            decades, is much like asking someone in the 80s which  value of humans will then be restricted to special cases
            industries  are  going  to  be  most  impacted  by  computer  like  psychological  therapy,  entertainment  and  arts  or
            chips and computer software. In 1980s, it was possible  roles that require human engagement or interaction to
            to see that computers were going to revolutionize retail  deliver  value.  Before  we  get  there,  we  must
            and medicine, but not to forecast the advent of Amazon  acknowledge  that  AI  will  generally  not  take  over  the
            or  Taobao.  Prediction  of  AI’s  future  influence  is  likely  human  workforce  all  at  once.  Instead,  it  will  start  by
            even harder than was the case for earlier technologies,  prompting businesses to reorganize their structures to
            due  to  the  exponential  nature  of  change  in  an  era  of  best leverage the strengths AI has to offer. In doing so,
            unprecedented connectivity.                          pieces of people’s jobs will be reallocated to AI, giving
                                                                 way to the creation of new roles and requiring humans
            hat  is  clear,  however,  is  that  AI  and  its  associated  to upskill themselves accordingly. For instance, AI will
            technologies will continue to advance. In Southeast Asia  first  take  on  more  routine  accounting  work  such  as
            alone,  the  adoption of AI  technologies stood  at 14% in   calculations  and  backend  processes,  like  intelligent
            2018,  a  marked  increase  from  the  8%  in  the  previous   adaptive  Excel  macros,  while  allowing  accountants  to
            year.  The  use  of  AI  will  only  trend  upwards  as  handle  strategic  decision-making  and  customer
            organizations  turn  to  this  technology  to  plug  the  skills  interaction. Only with the emergence of AGI over time,
            gap  created  by  the  digital  transformation  of  traditional   will we see AI taking over these roles and by then, only
            industries. This is set against the backdrop of a potential   a  handful  of  humans  will  be  needed  to  oversee  the
            talent deficit of 47 million workers across Asia Pacific by  running  of  an  organization’s  entire  finance  function.
            2030.                                                When this happens, we would be living in the reality of
                                                                 the  hyper-intelligent  workplace,  where  humans  will
            As  AI  becomes  mainstream,  today’s  AI  capabilities  will   simply  provide  mission  critical  thinking,  while
            open  up  to  more  general  uses,  otherwise  known  as  incorporating the intuitive skillsets of AI and robots for
            Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Once this happens,  increased productivity
      8            March 2019 - Visual Search, Voice Search, Smart Speakers & SEO
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