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Social Matters

Singapore reveals the

secrets to powerful

social content for


“All That Matters”, Asia's only business-to-business and “Creating a Hollywood blockbuster on an indie budget
business-to-fan experience, held over six days from 20 can be tough, but the right tools and publishing models
to 25 May in Singapore at The Ritz-Carlton Millenia, and can help brands accelerate and improve the quality of
Social Matters made its debut with two days of thought- content.”
provoking insights from industry players across the re-
gion. Dave Goldberg, CEO of SurveyMonkey, commented,
“It’s interesting to see how Hong Kong and China have
Over 25 of the world’s leading social media specialists embraced social sharing whilst Japan has virtually opt-
and content creators gathered for the inaugural Social ed out. The motivations that drive consumers to share
Matters Singapore event last week– Asia’s first and high- brand messages give us insight into why some regional
est-level conference focused on the business value of brands succeed and technology brands dominate.”
social media and engaging content.
“Participation in an event such as Social Matters has
Themed ‘Brands as Creators’, the conference welcomed really allowed us to share on a global stage Nissan's
over 400 delegates and offered a deep dive into the tools strategy of 'koto-zukuri' story-telling, with an aim to ele-
used to create compelling content, stimulate interaction vate the brand, its people, products, technologies and
and accelerate brands across the social sphere. Brands relationships in a measurable way using social media,”
such as Coca-Cola, SurveyMonkey, BuzzFeed, Nissan said Dan Sloan, Editor-in-Chief, Nissan Global Media
and SingTel gathered to discuss innovative ways to cre- Center. “We always look to raise overall opinion and
ate, co-create and maximize great content. positively impact the bottom line. It's a pleasure to be
among so many social media enthusiasts, and learn
first-hand the latest trends and opportunities in this
Officially tracked through the social relationship platform
Hootsuite, #socialmatters generated over 3.8 million im- space.”
pressions by close of day alone.
Secrets of digital marketing were shared by global
Among the top tips shared: the art of storytelling and brands including Unilever, Coca-Cola, Mondelez, Nis-
need for emotive content remains crucial to success, san and key decision makers as they revealed their
according to industry leaders. business insights in producing compelling content mar-
keting and visual storytelling. Attendees took away the
latest and brightest updates in the world of social media
The top three elements of powerful social content re- engagement. And young YouTubers also had a chance
to meet and listen to established YouTube creators
through the YouTube FanFest with HP Academy which
1. Happiness has universal appeal. comprised of two half-day workshops to help attendees
2. Surprise in some markets. share, learn and explore everything YouTube related. ◊
3. Sadness…if resolved.
By MediaBUZZ
“Emergent new platforms force brands to create large
amounts of quality content at high speed,” said Thomas
Crampton, Global Managing Director at Social@Ogilvy.

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