Page 45 - AeM_May_2014
P. 45

The reason for the long delivery For me to understand why the so- means that this might still take
time is that in most cases the prod- cial network suddenly is the ecom- some time for the hub function here
ucts are not stored in Singapore, merce driving machine still needs to be in place.
but sent in from close or far loca- some follow ups from my side, I
tions after the order, but in bulk guess. In a nutshell: Yes, ecommerce is on
shipments to keep the logistic costs its way to take more and more mar-
low. So, there is still a lot of space Actually, when directly discussing ket share in Singapore and the re-
for improvement here. the issue of delivery directly with gion, but there are still a lot of con-
Mr. Masaya of Rakuten, he also crete hurdles to overcome. Except
Listening to Deepesh Trivedi, the had to admit that we are still in the for a better price, or just plain to be
online consumer retail buying expe- early stages and that some of the used as a research tool for competi-
rience actually starts at Facebook. merchants even have to be remind- tive pricing, it in most cases does
Many different examples were giv- ed to deliver what they sold online not give any other concrete ad-
en that illustrated the buying experi- at times. In fact that is a reason vantages at this time, compared to
ence – e.g. where the revenue gen- why warehousing of the products going to the abundant and conven-
eration starts out by actually getting by Rakuten themselves is some- iently located shops next door, or a
excited about a product on Face- thing that might be considered for quick MRT ride down to Orchard
book. As for myself, though I can the future in order to be able to Road.
understand that a product or ser- guarantee timely delivery. Consid-
vice can have a following on Face- ering that both Rakuten executives But maybe we are there already in
book, the claims of 400% increase who attended the event are actually 2015, as the prognosis tells us. ◊
in sales due to Facebook, seems a still based in Malaysia and Taiwan
bit far-fetched to me, except maybe respectively, as I found out through
in isolated cases. a call to the office for a follow up, By Roger Stadler

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