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Samsung announces new video-on-demand

service at “All Things Matters”

At the opening night of “All Things Matters”, Samsung
announced that it will be launching Project Glued  Phablet users skew closer to smartphone users
(working name), a video-on-demand service application than tablet users in the types of media they con-
(app) in Q3 2014 through its Media Solutions Centre in sume. Yet their behavior is distinct enough to war-
Southeast Asia (MSCSEA). rant its own profile, the company found.
 Social networking is the top category (constituting
With Project Glued, fans of television drama series will 53.8% of impressions), just as it is on smartphones.
be able to choose from a selection of curated shows, But, it is much higher than the Q1 global average of
available across Samsung’s smartphones and tablets, all mobile devices (27.2% of impressions).
and enjoy full-length TV series from the US and UK. All
content will be available in HD quality with two conven-  Unlike smartphone users, who use their device to
ient modes of viewing – streaming and downloading. consume Sports and News & Information content,
phablet users’ consumption in these categories is
fairly low.
“Our upcoming entertainment service addresses the
needs of today’s viewers who are more discerning about  Despite the bigger screen size, phablets are not
their TV viewing habits. They are always on-the-go, re- replacing tablets when it comes to Games or Mu-
quire content on demand and expect to have it available sic, Video & Media — tablets still far outpace pha-
on their mobile device,” said Nicholas Wodtke, Vice blets in these categories.
President, Mobile Solution Centre, Samsung Southeast
Asia & Oceania. ”We are excited to be introducing a new Opera Mediaworks also examined the volume (ad im-
video-on-demand product to the market and delighting pressions) and engagement levels (click-through rate)
our Samsung mobile consumers.” on traffic in the United States over a 24-hour period.
While phablets are still an emerging market, and traffic
volumes are relatively low, Samsung devices drove, as
Samsung is relentlessly innovating new technologies, said, the majority of global phablet traffic, with the ma-
raising annual sales of US$216.7 billion. According to jority of this traffic originating from countries in Asia. T
Opera Mediaworks, Samsung devices drove the majority
of global phablet traffic, most of it originating from coun-
tries in Asia. The study reveals further that:

The company’s recently released study on phablet users  Phablet traffic volume is highest in the morning (9
identified how media consumption habits differ from am-12 pm), but receptivity to ads is very low. Traffic
those of smartphone and tablet users, as well as how then dips for the rest of the day, but engagement
their receptivity to mobile ads changes throughout the lifts significantly, peaking during the evening hours
course of a day. (8 pm -10 pm).
 As expected, tablet use is highest in the evening,
The study utilized data from Opera’s mobile ad platform as users are away from work and in “lean back”
that serves 64 billion impressions a month, reaching 500 mode at home. However, engagement levels on
million users through 14,000 mobile sites and apps and ads in the evening cannot match those on phablets.
even takes into consideration mobile devices that have  Engagement on both phablets and tablets is low in
roughly the same screens size ( between five and seven the early evening hours (5 pm -7 pm).

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