Page 38 - AeM_May_2014
P. 38

SkuRun delivers precise messages to

Smartphones at retail

SkuRun, a start-up technology company, launched its
new comprehensive web site and unveiled the compa-
ny's new flagship product EnaBLE™, an end-to-end mo-
bile marketing platform that will help convenience retail-
ers engage customers where and when it matters most –
at the gas pump and in the store.

SkuRun motivates buying decisions in real-time by lever-
aging the power and potential of beacon and mobile
technology to deliver precise marketing messages in
convenience store environments. Proximity marketing is
taken to the next level as the engagement between man-
ufacturing, retailers and consumers is enhanced.

"With the expansion of beacon technology, we now have
an exciting opportunity to engage convenience store
customers with compelling brand and promotional mes-
sages to motivate incremental purchases while they are
already visiting the store location," said Ralph Acosta, co
-founder and CEO of SkuRun.

According to the company, over 167 million transactions
are made each day at convenience stores in the United
States alone, and only 27% of customers enter the store
to make a purchase after filling up at the gas pump.
Those facts, combined with the penetration of
smartphones among convenience store customers, pre- Currently, SkuRun is actively working with its partners
sent without doubt a significant business opportunity. to coordinate pilot tests with convenience retailers and
select manufacturers and we will see how the beacon
"Our EnaBLE™ platform was designed to leverage bea- technology will evolve in the future and how it will get
con technology by enabling the delivery of marketing used and accepted by the marketing industry. ◊
messages to consumers in real-time via their mobile de-
vices, and also provide marketers the opportunity to cus- By MediaBUZZ
tomize and change messaging or offers at the touch of a
button. We also felt that it was important to design Ena-
BLE™ as true cloud-based middleware, with the flexibil-
ity to work with any beacon manufacturer and any mobile
device operating system," explained Acosta.

38 Asian eMarketing May 2014 - Multichannel Marketing— SoLoMo
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