Page 35 - AeM_May_2014
P. 35

To develop the needed knowledge applied to optimize the Plan-Do- Professional cross-functional re-
- and to derive acts or measures Check-Act method accordingly. quirements, both for the marketing
from it for optimization - is a typical Certainly, the data obtained is then and the IT, have to be anticipated
task of marketing. But to gain this stored and managed with the sup- and executed over time. If market-
knowledge, marketing requires first port of IT, but unfortunately there ing is no longer possible without IT,
the appropriate information that usually is still a gap between data this is also true for marketers with-
must be generated from the data and knowledge. out IT skills. Or the other way
which has been collected. around: For IT it’s essential to have
Marketing often lacks knowledge of knowledge of marketing processes,
I am convinced that the roundtable the analytical potential of the data, customer and service orientation -
discussions will help to discover the required technical infrastruc- at least at the interfaces with mar-
how to combine the Art and the ture, and the construction of the keting – and the still predominant
Science to successfully optimize interaction processes involved. On silo mentality in both areas has to
resources across the entire market- the other hand, IT is often short of come to an end.
ing mix and I am looking forward to understanding the applicability of
fruitful discussions. the data, the tasks of marketing Gartner’s prediction is therefore not
and in the reverse conclusion the surprising, stating that the invest-
Complex demands require more targeted collection, processing and ment in marketing technologies will
exchange analysis of such data. continuously rise and that CMOs
will invest more in IT than CTOs in
The four fields relevant to market- The systematic integration of IT the years to come. ◊
ing success - communication, data, and marketing into infrastructure
operational processes as well as and business processes – the so- By Daniela La Marca
measurement and analysis – have called marketing engineering – will
to be taken into consideration and therefore start to take center stage
in businesses in the future.

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