Page 34 - AeM_May_2014
P. 34

Marketing meets IT,

pushing marketing

engineering in


Marketing faces the challenge of managing the increas- Topic-oriented round table discussions, moderated by 8
ing complexity in communications and bearing the rising renowned experts in a comfortable atmosphere, will
cost pressures, which is the reason why we decided to provide 64 (8byEight) chosen marketing leaders with
organize an event next month that intends to shed light
on the impact of the ‘digital’ phenomena. trend predictions, strategy insights and support in find-
ing the best solution for their upcoming project.
On June 10, 2014, Asian eMarketing will provide top- One of the many conclusions that come out of the dis-
notch technology solution providers and brands an op- cussions will for sure be that handling all processes
portunity for in-depth peer-to-peer discussions on digital and data resources involved to stay successful, simply
marketing that in general is forced to tie together the cre- won’t be possible in the future without IT support. Al-
ative and technical aspects of the Internet - including ready these days, around 10% of the companies spent
design, development, advertising, and sales. more than half of the marketing budget on IT, due to
the close integration of marketing and information tech-
It’s quite obvious that marketers have access to more nology. Fact is:
marketing channels than ever, making it more difficult to
find the perfect unified marketing strategy. To succeed in
the increasingly challenging environment, we therefore  Today’s customers have to be invited to an individ-
rely more and more on both the art and science of mar- ual dialogue with the right content - at the right time
keting: and the right place;
 A customer-oriented focus of the company requires
a rethinking in all areas - not just marketing;
 The art of marketing helps you coordinate marketing
channels and designing the appropriate messages  The step from Big Data to Legal Big Data demands
you put into those channels. a stringent data usage management;
 The science of marketing taps into the rich data as-  In the future, content must be dynamically adapted
sociated with all of these channels, so that you can to a variety of context of users - even beyond mo-
make informed investment decisions based on de- bile;
sired business outcomes rather than past investment  Interdependencies of all used measures have to be
levels and rule of thumb. understood in order to allocate and use scarce
budgets in an even more targeted manner.

34 Asian eMarketing May 2014 - Multichannel Marketing— SoLoMo
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