Page 29 - AeM_May_2014
P. 29

"At a time when mobile computing its ability to quickly find relevant ities, context-aware advertising
is growing at breakneck speed and information tied to the text all within model, simpler integration, in-
phone manufacturers are looking to a market-leading small footprint." creased speed and accuracy, and
stand out from the clutter, Word- reduced costs, are expected to
Logic's array of technologies and Frost & Sullivan expects Word- make WordLogic a market leader in
robust intellectual property portfolio Logic's technically impressive predictive keyboards and continu-
make it an ideal partner for tier-one WordLogic Predictive Engine and ous search categories. ◊
mobile device manufacturers," not- its associated products, iKnowU
ed Sathya. "Smaller-form mobile and Reach, to find considerable By MediaBUZZ
and wearable computing devices, traction in various industries. Its key
including watches and glasses, will competitive advantages, such as
also benefit from WordLogic's inno- word and phrase prediction capabil-
vations, such as text prediction and

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