Page 33 - AeM_May_2014
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Face reality: Digital customers shouldn’t

be treated as a species of the future!

Yes, he seems to exist! He gener- 1. Omni-channel Retailing: How MediaBUZZ tailored the event to
ates revenue with significant growth to facilitate a seamless approach to meet the needs of senior client-side
rates and can be observed on his consumer experience & to manage marketers and the challenges they
digital path. He rates and com- a new breed of shoppers? have to master in their daily busi-
ments on offers and can be ness, by providing an extraordinary
reached in communities/networks 2. Explicit & Implicit Permission opportunity to discuss solutions with
or questioned on online panels. Marketing: Email and Search En- peers. Since marketers rely more
Marketers have never been as hot gine Marketing to meet consumer's and more on both the art and the
on his heels as now - the customer demand for real choice and no dis- science of marketing to succeed in
- and with mobile marketing they ruption. this increasingly consumer-driven
now follow him even at every turn environment, the two keynote
he makes. 3. Social Media Marketing: How speeches will for sure create a lot of
to manage, measure and monetize “Food for Thought” and inspire the
A flood of studies, books, seminars, in the unstructured and unregulated discussions:
and tools show how to get wise to cyberspace?
the digital customer, but what dis- Technology: Crossing the gap be-
tinguishes the traditional from the 4. Data Analytics: Exploiting “Big tween online and offline – SoLoMo
digital customers? Actually - noth- Data” for optimal marketing perfor- (Social Local Mobile) in the Corpo-
ing! mance to gain the business com- rate Practice.
petitive edge.
Important, however, is to under- Creativity: Emotion Marketing –
stand traditional and digital buying 5. Building Brand Trust With Sustainable branding with innova-
and decision-making behavior and Customer Experience: How To tive communication channels and
the motives behind it, which trig- Do It Well? ideas.
gered MediaBUZZ to kick-start its
8byEight series on June 10, 2014 8byEight will draw your attention to
with an event that discusses the hot 6. Mobile Marketing: Enabling the the newest trends like social, mo-
topic SoLoMo and emotion market- best of class “on-the-go” m- bile, behavioral, or location-based
ing in an attempt to shed light on Commerce, m-Payment & m-Apps. marketing and invites guests to
this issue. share thoughts, concerns and in-
7. Security: Risks, Threats, Vulner- sights on how to use them for inte-
abilities & IP Protection.
8byEight on Digital Marketing will grated marketing campaigns with
reflect the growing importance of their peers. So stay tuned!
interactive, mobile and social as 8. Integrated Marketing: Driving
connector of the offline and online towards more holistic communica- For further information about
world, and provide updates on a tion in marketing and leveraging on 8byEight on Digital Marketing, visit
variety of compelling topics, such each’s intrinsic strength
By Daniela La Marca

MediaBUZZ Pte Ltd - Independant ePublisher for Asia
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