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Predictive Engine

gets award

The user then can rapidly and easily add the infor-
Every year, Frost & Sullivan's Best Practices Awards
recognize companies in a variety of regional and glob- mation to anything they are working on.
al markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement
and superior performance in areas such as leadership, "Reach offers significant flexibility in accessing various
technological innovation, customer service, and strate- apps and resources within the mobile device, as well as
gic product development. Industry analysts compare from resources on the Web or within the enterprise,"
market participants and measure performance through said Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Sathya Ven-
in-depth interviews, analysis, and extensive secondary dhan. "Alternative solutions require users to close their
research in order to identify best practices in the indus- existing applications to open/access any other app's
try information and then cut and paste that information into
the document or message they were composing. With
Reach, they can complete all these actions simultane-
Based on its recent research on the market for predic-
tive text, Frost & Sullivan presents WordLogic Corpo- ously without ever leaving their current app."
ration with the 2014 North American Frost & Sullivan
Award for Enabling Technology Leadership. The US- All customers of mobile devices can benefit greatly from
incorporated WordLogic Corporation has developed the improved accuracy and reduction in effort for typing
the WordLogic Predictive Engine for mobile and wear- any text. Most importantly, customers with disabilities or
able devices, which powers its context-aware applica- difficulties, such as dyslexia, can benefit from the tech-
tions such as WordLogic Reach and WordLogic nology's ease of use, as it takes the fewest number of
iKnowU. keystrokes to type out messages.

WordLogic iKnowU Besides that, Reach can also retrieve contact infor-
mation, meeting dates and locations, find local restau-
rants or services, attach images, perform unit conver-
The iKnowU(R) is a predictive keyboard that makes
typing easier, faster and more accurate for mobile us- sions, and get currency conversions or the latest stock
ers. It predicts the most likely letters, words and quotes. It creates an additional revenue stream for
phrases, which significantly reduces the number of WordLogic by allowing advertising and marketing com-
keystrokes needed to complete any text. It also contin- panies to deliver targeted, context-specific and location-
uously learns new words and phrases, as well as the aware content to users.
context of the words.
Prediction Engine embedded in digital appliances
and wearable technologies
WordLogic's Cloud Sync technology keeps all of the
user's devices synchronized with the learned words,
while the Bulk Loader tool is able to learn the user's The WordLogic prediction technologies are expected to
preferred usage of words from his or her Twitter, Face- have a huge impact on verticals such as healthcare,
book, email accounts, or previous texts and docu- legal, insurance, consulting and journalism, which pro-
ments. duce voluminous documents and reports and use com-
plex terms. Within one to two years, Frost & Sullivan
expects the WordLogic Prediction Engine and the asso-
WordLogic Reach
ciated technologies to be embedded in digital applianc-
es and wearable technologies. Its context-aware abili-
The second Predictive Engine product, the patent- ties will allow the systems to read user preferences with
pending Reach, is a semantically aware system that respect to consumer electronics, such as set-top boxes
monitors what the user is typing and retrieves addition- and remote-controlled systems.
al information that might be needed. Reach acts as a
continuous search engine for new and useful infor-

mation and presents it in a nonintrusive way.
28 Asian eMarketing May 2014 - Multichannel Marketing— SoLoMo
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